Chapter 23: Story Act 3

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sorry for the late upload :(


"You guys are super lucky!" Paimon said as she guided the two boys to the next stage, "A few minutes later, you would've been looonggg gone..."

"Oh? And what does our trusty guide Ms. Paimon mean by that?" Venti asked, hiding caution behind his words.

"Oh- hm, whoops... I wasn't supposed to say that. Please forget about it!!!"

"I'm sure your supervisors wouldn't mind spilling the secrets to one participant... plus, aren't you our guide? You can't be keeping secrets from us like this, I'm starting to not trust you."

Paimon sighed, "Hm... fine! You win! Um, have you ever not noticed something till it's pointed out, and then you can't unsee it?"

"I suppose so..." Venti nodded, remembering those tricky videos of well camouflaged animals- once they're pointed out, it's hard to not notice them. And we'll, other things too.

Paimon continued.

"Well, this exam is basically that. It takes advantage of this fact to conduct an experiment. Paimon's not really sure why Ms. Principal decided to do this, though. Um, Paimon does remember hearing Ms. Principal talking about 'chosen ones' so it's probably about that, or Ms. Principal's just bored."

"But uh, bad things happen to people who fail the exam. If you're lucky, Ms. Principal will only wipe your memory. Ms. Principal doesn't like quitters, so... ugh, never mind! That's all Paimon is saying!"

Xiao pointed out, "Bored? You mean this crazy exam might just be a game for her?"

'And Paimon, you've already said plenty much...'

"Wah!" Paimon quickly ran behind Venti and screamed, "Paimon doesn't know!"

"Xiao... stop scaring her..." He teased.

Xiao retreated after realizing the sternness of his voice.

"Ahem. Can we meet your boss, then?" He tried to say with more unXiaoness.

"Ms. Principal" it was her turn to be stern, still hiding behind the comfort of Venti, though.

"No! You can't!" She shook her head ferociously. "If Ms. principal doesn't call for us, then we can't see her! It's as simple as that! Plus, She's scary... eek."

There was something odd that Xiao just couldn't describe.

"Why do you keep doing that?" He asked.

"What happened to sounding nicer... you're going to scare her..." Venti sighed, hiding the girl.

"I mean, surely you heard it to? The way she addresses her boss. It's... different."

"What do you mean, Xiao?"

"It's just, there's a sort of feeling behind it. Like... they're talking about a god. Not her but, Her."

"It's weird. Why does it feel that way?" Xiao said. He stared down at his hand, shaking. This feeling again... he's felt it before. When? During his nightmares? It was a feeling of unease and doom.

"Ugh. I don't know. Is it just me? And this feeling- it's like my heart has turned into a bomb."

Unease sank deeper into his soul. A fate you can't contro-

"No!" Venti grabbed his hands. Xiao jumped.

"I... totally agree with you! There must be something even more suspicious with this place. You're not being paranoid."

Xiao snapped out of it. "Yeah, sorry."

"Don't be!" Venti reassured, "You know I trust you the most, right?"

"Who else do we have?"

Xiao nodded and looked into Ventis eyes.


"Wow..." Paimon, who'd come out of hiding, yawned. "Are we done? We're going to be late! Get a room, you two!"

"Let's go." Xiao looked completely unbothered, internally though? That was a completely different emotion.

Venti said nothing, but he hid his face from view with his cape.

'Oh. So it's like that' Paimon secretly snickered.

"We're hereee!!" She exclaimed.

"What is it this time?"

Xiao looked at the scene in front of him. There were sakura trees, special Amur Maple trees, purple coloured trees, and a distinct type of styled design on the building. Inazuma, the land of eternity. Today, Inazuma is the most religious nation. Most Inazumans cherish the present.

He was quick to notice the fact that unlike the other acts, this one was one single arena. There were no other actors other than a single one in the middle of the stage, who was dressed as a Samurai.

Chatter chatter chatter.

He looked behind him. Another gate has opened and a different Paimon looking examiner emerged. Then, who followed behind was a face Xiao hoped he would t have to see.

'Seriously? Decarabian? I guess we only slowed him down by a bit... and what's with that smug look on his face?!? Don't tell me he got a girlfriend.'

"Holy crap..." Xiao gasped. Behind Decarabian was a strong looking woman. She had long white hair and fine features. He saw the beautifully crafted bow in her hands. A hunter, no doubt.

Venti whispered towards Xiao, "There's over 30 people in Decarabians group... looks like he really managed to get himself together."

The moment Decarabian looked towards the two boys, his face turned one of disgust.


Suddenly,an examiner stepped onto the arena's stage and bowed.

"My esteemed contestants." They said. "We congratulate you on moving to the first elimination round."

Then, the actor on stage moved. He sat down.

"Our elimination round is to throw out trash who serve no purpose. The useless."

Xiao saw the actor go into a kneeling position.

"Without talent, you are a waste of space. Without talent, you are an eyesore to our Principal."

He pulled out the sword from its sheath.

"That is the motive of our school. To find those chosen by talent."

He raised the sword high, pointing it at his stomach, inches away.

Shocked whispers started becoming louder and louder.

"At Her command, let us enjoy this play."

The sword plunged through his stomach.

"We thank the actors. We thank the audience. Let us begin."

He fell, blood clearly spilling out like water.

No words could be spoken at that moment. Yet on the Samurais face was not a face of despair, but of desire. He smiled before the light in his eyes faded.


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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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