It's very clear to me that you are not doing your job well as a therapist!! It was your job to make him feel better!!!" the anger in Taehyung's voice made the other person almost curse Taehyung but he bit his tongue.

"Mr.Kim, unfortunately this is how humans with mental illnesses are you can not predict when they'll have one of their episodes and I as a therapist, can only work when they try to open up and I am trying my best to reach Mr.Jeon's heart. It takes time...By all means I am no magician" spoke Yoongi.

"Well, I do not care. I need you here in the next 10 minutes maximum" Taehyung hung up without listening to another word. 

Taehyung felt very uncomfortable under his own skin, why was this happening now? His anxious gaze fell on the closed door.

Jeon Jungkook definitely brought a lot of emotions out of him.


"I am here with 2 minutes to spare" stated Yoongi blankly staring at the gun held between Taehyung slender fingers.

"If it weren't for Jungkook, you would have been long dead" muttered Taehyung, storming upstairs.

Yoongi followed after him.


"Jungkook? How are you feeling?" asked Yoongi gently, sitting on the single couch situated in front of the bed.

The younger just kept quiet. He wanted to scream at the male to get out and leave him alone but he felt like he did not have enough strength.

Taehyung glared at the therapist, standing by the door with his arms folded. The older refused to go to office and leave Jungkook in this type of situation.

Yoongi tried twice before getting up and making his way outside. He led Taehyung further away from Jungkook's room.

"Look, the situation is very sensible. He doesn't want me there, I am pretty sure he was yelling in his mind to make me go away or was too lost in his thoughts" explained Yoongi.

"The Fuck Do you mean?! If you are not going to help him, who will then?!" Taehyung was losing his patience and Yoongi could see that coming.

"Mr.Kim, I can do nothing doesn't mean you can't. You seem to be closer to him than I am, why don't you try to help him out?" asked Yoongi.

"You have two options here when you speak with him; either try to give him solutions when he opens up or just show affection and be there with him" continued Yoongi, trying to explain Taehyung.

"You skipped a step. How to make him open up??!" 

"Just go inside, hug him and the rest will work on its own" Yoongi advised.

"You are not to leave till I come back!" ordered Taehyung, going inside Jungkook's room again.


Taehyung took a deep breath before sitting next to Jungkook and started stroking his hair very gently.

"Jungkookie...would you like to talk about it?" asked he in a dulcet voice.

Jungkook finally moved his eyes towards the older and stared right into his eyes. Taehyung of course noticed the difference, normally Jungkook would always look away after 3 to 4 seconds but the younger held the eye contact longer this time.

His empty eyes were desperately searching for something in Taehyung's and Taehyung wished he'd find what he was looking for. The younger shook his head, his pursed lips slightly twitching downwards.

"Then is it okay if I stay here?" asked the older and the younger nodded.

"Would it be okay if we hugged? I could really use a hug, I had a very bad day today" explained Taehyung, he would have laughed at the fact that he was holding his breath waiting for Jungkook's reply but he did not dare.

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