"Not me, my parents," Beomgyu corrected and they get on the car when someone opened it for them.

"Oh, my mom misses you she said," Soobin said as the car goes.

"You didn't tell her you're busy with your other friend?" Beomgyu asked.

"What?" Soobin frowns and he heard Beomgyu chuckles. "What do you mean by that, for I know you're the only friend I got?"

"Ah yeah?" Beomgyu reacted not fully convinced. "Just kidding," he laughs again.

"You're acting weird."

They arrived at Beomgyu's house and it's a freaking mansion— literally, almost a castle. It's not that modern more of a classical architecture type. The motifs are antique and most of the pallets are gold and brown. The chandelier is so gorgeous and not to mention the maids lining up for Beomgyu's assistance.

"Let's head up to my room first, so you can change," Beomgyu said and takes the stairs.

"Y-yeah. W-wow your house is so huge," Soobin commented in awe.

"Yeah? It feels so empty," Beomgyu just commented and opens the door.

"Damn," Soobin whispered and saw how huge Beomgyu's room that he even have his own living room inside.

"You have extra clothes?" Beomgyu asked.

"You just asked me earlier, where am I going to get one?" Soobin asked him and placed his bag on the couch.

"Oh right, sorry then," Beomgyu apologized and laughs. "Just go get one in there, they are all new," Beomgyu said pointing the other cabinet.

"Here?" Soobin opens the tall closet and saw numerous clothes. "Where exactly in here?"

Beomgyu looks at him, "Oh not there, the other side. That's Taehyun's," Beomgyu answered that made Soobin paused and looked at him. "Why?"

"T-Taehyun's sleeping here too— no I mean, the amount of clothes he has in here, he's not just staying overnight. I also saw two study tables in there b-but one bed?" Soobin ask in confusion.

Beomgyu just chuckles and went closer to him to close the open door of the closet and open the other side that has lesser clothes. "We are basically living in the same roof," Beomgyu just replied.

"H-huh? Wow. Then he's coming home tonight?" Soobin asked and received some new clothes from Beomgyu.

"Nope, he'll be at his," Beomgyu answered.

"I kinda feel bad now that I'll be sleeping in your bed where you two are... d-doing... things..."

Beomgyu bursts in laughter that he almost cries. "Why are you so adorable, Soobin? Get changed now," Beomgyu commented.

"Oh yes, yes. Thank you for this. Where's your bathroom?" Soobin asked looking so lost.

"Ah here," Beomgyu guided him. Soobin gasps when he saw it's transparent one. "Don't worry it'll turn opaque once you closed it from the outside— and oh, don't touch these stuffs that's Taehyun's. He'll go crazy," Beomgyu chuckles.

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