Chapter 18

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"You saw it too" Audrey exclaimed as she saw Bloom drawing something on her notebook. A familiar visual it was, from her vision. Their vision. What Audrey saw still remained a mystery. She couldn't exactly put her finger on what it was, but it couldn't be good. That she could tell.

"Audrey? Oh God I'm so sorry for earlier, I don't know what took over me" Bloom sighed getting off the chair she was sitting on. She tried to approach her but Audrey chose to keep her distance from her sister. She didn't even try to look at her.

But could anyone blame her? After what happened anyone in her place would have the same reaction. Or perhaps a worse one.

"It's just a burn don't worry" Audrey replied still looking at the drawing. Bloom swallowed the lamp that had formed on her throat before looking at her sister again. How could she have done this? She felt guilty, it was never her intention to hurt Audrey. "Do you know what it is?" she asked.

"No, not really. I remember seeing something similar to the book Stella gave us. And if that's it, then Sebastian is trying to open a gate o the Realm of Darkness" Audrey explained to her. A sigh escaping her lips at the thought of what was coming. 

"What does that mean? What is the Realm of Darkness?" Bloom asked. "I wish I knew" 

"But if that is true, you'll have to do it" Audrey said finally turning to look at her. Bloom's expression turned to a confused one. "What do you mean?" she asked. "If this is what Sebastian is planning and he haves the Dragon Flame, my powers, you'll have to be the one to kill him"

"Audrey, are you listening?" Silva asks the strawberry blonde girl who seems deep in thought as she was sitting on a bench. They moved their troops to the graveyard. So, they'd be closer to Alfea and thus making it easier to attack.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention" the girl exclaims. "Yeah, I gathered that" Silva sighs sitting beside her.

"Bloom and the others might be fools but I'm not. I know that you can't get those visions without magic" Silva states scanning carefully the people around them, making sure no one is listening. "And before you say it's your bond with Bloom. That bond can only be held with magic. So, tell me what is happening"

"I was burnt by the same power I'm supposed to hold. What does that tell you?" the girl replies looking at the specialist. "it's telling me two things. You're either as helpless as it seems or you're playing everyone because you have a plan" Silva replies now staring too in her eyes.

"I can't trust Bloom. She wants to know the truth about her family and is capable of everything. That makes her dangerous."

Those words ringed into his mind as 'I do have a plan; I just need you to go with it'. He could see it in her eyes. It felt like she had them all where she wanted them to be. And soon everyone would see what that meant.

"I need a hand here!" Dane's voice echoed around as the team that was previously sent in Alfea returned. The young specialist was supporting another man who seemed to be a specialist himself.

Audrey got off the bench and walked towards them once she saw Riven arriving as well with a bloody nose. "I was worried something had happened to you" she exclaims pulling him in her embrace.

As Riven wrapped his arms around her, he felt all the pain and tiredness leave his body at once. He felt relaxed. Might be because he returned, he returned home whole and alive, he returned to her. The whole idea of war had him at the edge of his seat since the news were out. He was worried of what would happen once the hell unleashed on them. But right now, all of this felt nothing like hell.

"The Blood witches knew we were coming so they sent specialists to defend the school. It got kind of tricky, having to fight someone who fights just like you" he sighs. "But I'm here, and not only I'm alive. I've also bought company"

With that Audrey's eyebrows furrowed as Riven moved out of the way and she saw Sky standing some feet behind them talking with Silva. Surprise took all over her at the sight of him. Last time she saw him, Bavani's men took him away from her and placed him somewhere in the dungeons. Of course, into a cell far away from hers.

Once Sky spotted her standing there, so close yet so far away, he stopped whatever he was saying to Silva. His gaze locked with hers and the man beside him turned around questioning what had caused his son to react like this.

And then he saw.

With two long strides Sky was standing right in front of her, chest touching as he grabbed her and pulled her closer. His lips touching hers and giving away all his feelings. He kissed her with longing, lust. He kissed her with hope and happiness. A part of him thought he would never she her again and yet the thought of her was what kept him in his feet, strong enough to fight and get out of there so he would return to her.

Audrey did return the kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck and moved to touch his cheek, ruffle his hair. Sky smiled at that. They broke the kiss and let their foreheads rest against its others.

"Finally! You guys pissed me off with the not talking thing" Riven jokes making them pull apart, reminding them of where they were. Of what was happening around them and suddenly all the reasons of why they weren't together anymore flooded their minds.

The smile from Audrey's lips disappeared as she turned her back to Sky and left. She walked towards the other specialists, wanting to help them treat their wounds.

She was leaning down beside Dane's friend, cleaning a cut he had above his brow, when someone arrived by her side. The quick glimpse of blonde hair made her return all of her attention back to the unconscious man lying on the ground.

"Silva asked me to leave. I can't be on the attack team since I'm not immune to blood magic" Sky says and Audrey replies with a simple okay, not even attempting to look at him, looking so interested in the task at hand.

"Audrey" Sky calls her name with such desperation in his voice. He wanted her to at least look at him as they talked, to catch a glimpse of her beautiful face before he had to leave without knowing when and if he'd see her again. He wanted to burn the image of her in his memory. 

The loss of Andreas and the feeling it left behind of him not doing enough to make their relationship work had him wretched. He didn't want the same to happen with Audrey. 

"Hmm" Audrey hummed still concentrated to her 'patient' "Audrey, look at me" Sky says as he leaned down himself, placing his hand under her chin and finally turning her head himself so she'd look at him.

"We have to talk about this" he says and Audrey realeases a deep breath. "I know you want this as bad as I do. You kissed me back, you held me close to you" Sky sighs looking into her eyes, her beautiful green eyes. Oh, how in love he felt every time he stared in them.

"We're into war. We don't know how this will end up I don't want the last time we see each other be like this. Please, don't push me away" he pleads. Audrey's expression softened. Just realizing how hard this was for Sky. He wouldn't be around to protect the ones he loved so that left him with a feeling of uncertainty, she knew how that was. 

Audrey didn't want him to believe that this would the last time they'd see each other. Yes, she didn't know what the future held for them but this couldn't be the last time. She had to see him again. After the war was over they would return to Alfea. Everyone would. And things would be alright again. 

She would make sure of it.

"I love you" he says and her eyes fill with tears. It hit her right in the head. Would she return? Would she be there after the battle to tell him how in love she truly was with him? What she was planning to do was dangerous. 

What if she didn't survive? What would happen of Sky then? And Bloom, what would she do without her? Or Riven, she couldn't leave Riven. And Silva, he couldn't lose anyone else. Musa would be bored for the rest of her life without having Audrey to put up with. 

"And I love you, with all my heart." she says, her voice breaking as she finally let her tears fall. "You hear me? With all my heart. And I promise you that I will return to you, not matter what. We will all make it, you'll see"  

Burned by my own flames ~Sky~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora