Chapter 1

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It is the first year in Alfea for Audrey Hayden. Yet the situation she’s in doesn’t feel foreign. The place, the people, they’re not something unknown for her. Being raised by Farah Dowling made this new started a lot easier for her.

The school wasn’t an unknown place. She had been there before even though she was kept a secret from the Alfea students. She had met the teachers who she had friendly relationships with.
But now she was a student.

'I don't know if I should be excited or not' Audrey thought as she walked through the gates of the school. The yard full of students. Audrey wasn’t the extrovert type. She had grown up alone, away from the crowds. Being around so many people wasn’t ideal for her.
And then there was the pressure of achieving.

Her family, the Hayden’s, is really important to the Otherworld. They weren’t kings and queens but they still had power. After Alfea she should be able to handle it. Do right by their name.

That was the reason her parents gave her to Dowling in the first place. She was only five when she left her home. She spent her years isolated, the only human interaction being with Farah and Silva. She read, trained, failed and did all that again. 

They believed she was ready, but would she be able to fulfil their expectations?

With one look, someone could tell she was a fire fairy. Her strawberry blonde hair gave it away. But then, there was nothing else to indicate the type of her magic.

Her white skin was always cold instead of warm and sometimes it missed colour. You didn’t feel the temperature increase when she was around. Her eyes were a deep shade of green, looked like her father’s and they became dark red when she used her magic.

She was supposed to control the flames, yet other elements worked better for her. Air and nature followed her orders but fire. Her fire was uncontrollable, had a mind of its own. Her name means ‘strong fire’ after all.

"Two minutes in this school and I already hate it" she says under her breath as she noticed some girls looking at her. “You must be Audrey” the blonde says approaching her.

“I’m Stella, follow me” the blonde led her inside the school and to the right floor. They went through a huge wooden door, entering something that looked like a living room.

"Ms. Dowling gave instructions for you to sleep alone so you have your own room but this is our suite" Stella informed and Audrey nods. The strawberry blonde girl meets her other suitemates. Terra, Bloom, Aisha, and Musa.

After leaving her stuff in her room, Audrey decided to take a walk around the school. Things had changed since the last time she’d been there. She was so deep in thought while walking that she didn’t realise she reached the specialists’ training field until she saw Silva talking to the first years.

She was always jealous of the specialists. They had the chance to train outside, in the nature, and not inside one of those small classrooms with their noses buried in books.

But the way she sees it, being a specialists was way harder. All fairies had to do was learn how to use their gift and maybe develop it to something more than the usual.

But specialists? They were put into battle from a very young age, four or five from what Silva had told her. They trained both their minds and bodies trying to close the gap so they wouldn’t be at disadvantage.

Because that’s where they were at, at disadvantage. They were born in a world full of magic, surrounded by creatures way more powerful than them, yet they were asked to survive by just using their fists.

Not everyone managed. And many of those who did wished they hadn’t.
The sound of two male voices reached her ears and pulled her out of her thoughts. She looked around, trying to spot the source of the sound. But it seemed too late since she felt someone bumping on to her.

"Oh sorry," the boy who fell on her says. His blond hair falling on his forehead, slightly hiding his blue eyes. “I wasn’t looking where I was going” he adds stating at her face, waiting for a reaction.

“You’re alright” Audrey smiles expecting him to turn around and leave, follow his friend who was still rushing towards the field unbothered.
But when he didn’t do that and instead he stared at her in silence, his eyebrows furrowed as he noticed her features better, a chuckle escaped her lips.

“What?” she asks looking into his eyes. "You are a fairy, aren't you?" he finally asks. "I am a fairy" she replied amused by his confusion. Was it really that weird for fairies to be around there?

“Sky, you little shit, move! Silva will have our heads” Another boy, the one who was previously walking towards the field, approached them and stopped beside the blond one.

“Hang on a second” the blond muttered turning his attention back to the girl who was now looking at his friend. She looked at his brown hair and green eyes.

They looked completely different, they also acted that way. Yet they seemed to be good friends, getting along.

“Nice, haven’t entered school yet and you got yourself a fairy” the brunette mutters rolling his eyes. “How come you’re at this side of the school? Fairies don’t usually come here” the blonde says ignoring his friends reaction.

“I was just walking around.” Audrey replies. “You get to train here while I have to spent all of my mornings in a classroom. It’s unfair really”

Both boys had now their attention turned to her. They were captivated by her appearance. She was a beautiful young woman after all.

“You’re very lucky” she exclaims “Combat seems much more exiting” she admits making both boys look at her confused. Fairies usually preferred their magic. “Believe me giving it a try would change your mind”

Audrey shook her head. “Then I believe we could arrange-“

"Sky! Riven! You're late" Silva yelled harshly to the boys walking towards them while giving them judgie looks. "And I see the reason"

"Don't distract my students, Miss Hayden" Silva looked down at the fire fairy, trying to keep his tone stiff yet not being able to stop the smile from forming on his lips.

Silva knew her since she was a toddler. He helped Farah raise her. “I’m sorry sir. It won’t happen again” she apologized before returning her gaze to the younger specialists. “See you around I hope”

"Wait, I didn't catch your name!" the blonde boy, whose name seemed to be Sky, yells. "I don't remember throwing it" she chuckles walking away, making the distance bigger between them.

"Quit perving on the first years." Riven jokes watching Silva walk back to his class. "Give me just one second, yeah?" Sky asks his best friend turning back around.

"Why? Are you going to chase that?" Riven asks back pointing at the fair who was already far away. Sky sighed before running down the path and towards his father.

"Hey Silva! Who is this girl?" he asks catching his breath. “Just a fire fairy” Silva replies not picking up his gaze from his papers.

Burned by my own flames ~Sky~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora