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The seeker sat in the conversation pit.

Okay, more like laid with all of his limbs spread out in an annoying way, staring at the dimmed sky.

The day was due for rain, and none of the seekers wanted to get caught in it, so everyone was inside. Some room doors were open, some music was playing, and plenty of conversations were happening. The only others in the conversation pit were Air Raid and Silverbolt, who kept annoyingly trying to talk to the seeker, who was ocean deep in thoughts.


Starscream looked forward. He was extremely tired from the night with Megatron before, and he both felt like making a scene, and felt like taking a nap while he was awake.

He saw Skyfire in front of him.



Skyfire had such a pretty name.

Starscream whined gently and laid his head back again.  "What?"

Skyfire stepped down into the conversation pit and crouched down next to the other,

"Are you, okay?"

"What do you want?" Starscream hissed again.

"Shockwave asked me, to ask you, if you wanted to help us move back into the lab. Because, you're...I suppose, a scientist too? I'm sorry–"

The seeker huffed and got up. "I'll help Shockwave get his stuff." he said, brushing past Skyfire and going straight to where he knew the other's room was.


"You sent Skyfire to come get me?"

Shockwave looked up as Stasrcream entered the room. "Yes. You share intimate relations with him, and I guess you may want to help him get his items considering he shares a room with someone else."

"No. out of all the scientists here, I actually would rather help you."

"You do not need to help us Starscream, I just guessed you would want to." Shockwave answered, moving his hand to his hip.

"No no, you misunderstand. I've got to spy on my ex and stuff."


"What?" The seeker whined, watching as Shockwave tried to pick up a box with his one servo, hesitating before going over to help him.

"Bring that to the new lab– but wait a moment, I want you to take more." The purple mech said as he walked over to grab something, "As for your horrible idea, I think if you want to know anything about what Skyfire is doing, perhaps you should ask, He's horrid at withholding information, especially when it's his ramblings about how–" Shockwave jerked his head slightly forward to fake gag, "how gorgeous, he thinks you are. It's vile. Simply illogical."

Starscream rolled his optics, "Sure. Whatever. I'm still going to spy."

The one-eyed mech placed a jaw bone of a dinosaur on top of the box, Starscream assumed it was a gift from Glyph. "Just go put these in the lab, you idiotic, supernova."

Starscream stuck his tongue out at the other before walking out of the room. He started to walk towards where he had seen construction the last few weeks, and figured he was going the right way when he saw most of the tools and such were picked up rather than scattered.

He walked up to the door to what looked like the new lab. He felt something in front between the front of his pede and his heel before he tripped. Luckily for him, as he descended, he was caught just in time with the items he held. He breathed out in slight panic, before hearing the door to the lab close.

"Someone Fucking Loved Me." Skyfire x StarscreamWhere stories live. Discover now