"Bri, you stay right there ok?"

"Ok, but why?"

"I'll tell you later, but you need to stay out of this room" he said and got one of the tri-pods I was holding and went in the room

Why can't I go in there? I was in there earlier I thought

I started to slowly walk to the room and Billy saw me

"Breanna I'm serious"

And I stopped. I knew when someone used my full first name that they meant what they said. Once he got the camera hooked up we went up to the room where I got sick. He entered the room and I stopped right infront of the doorway and Billy noticed that I wasn't behind him so he put the camera on the ground and came to me

"You feeling ok?" he asked taking the last tri-pod and leaned it up against the wall and then he took my hand

"Yeah, I'm fine...I just don't want to go in that room until later" I said sighing

He pulled me into a hug and mumbled in my hair

"I know Bri, you don't have to go in...You can go back to base while I set this last one up"

"I think I'll stay, I might get lost" I said chuckling

"I know, you've never had a good since of direction" he said chuckling too while he let me go "I'll hook it up real quick and then we'll head back down to base"


While he was setting the camera up Zak's voice came through the walkie-talkie


Billy tossed the walkie-talke to me so he could finish up

"Go for Bri"

"Me, Nick, and Aaron are heading to get the pizzas, do you guys have any requests on what you want to drink?"

I looked over at Billy and shook his head

"I brought my own drinks"

"Billy's ok, I'll take a coke"

"Anything else?"


"Alright, and tell Billy to move the camera to the right alittle"

I looked at Billy and he moved it to the right alittle bit and Zak came back over the device

"Right there, Thank you"

I handed him the walkie-talkie back and we headed back down to base. When we got to base we found the SUV gone and Billy sat down in one of the chairs infront of the monitors and turned towards me

"Bri come here, I want to talk about earlier"

I went to him and he pulled me down into his lap gently. I looked at the camera that was set up in the room that we were in

"It's not on yet" he said as if reading my mind

So I turned into him alittle for him to continue talking

"Well, you remeber when we heard that whistle coming from the surgical room on the 4th floor?"


"Well previous investigators were here and when they heard that whistle in that room one of them was violently attacked by an unseen force...That's why I didn't want you to go in that room just in case something did happen"

"You could've just told me that when we got to the room"

"I know, but you would've freaked out and try to keep me out of that room" he said wrapping his arms around my waist

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