"How come? Don't Slytherin girls know the worth of Quidditch?" George asks, raising his brow.

"Not sure any of them know how to play." 

"What do you have first?" Lee asks, looking hopefully at her. Ebony looks down at her schedule and grins.

"Transfiguration with Minnie." She replies, taking a croissant. "Must be nice, what about you?"

"Herbology." Fred replies, annoyed. Ebony laughs at him, he rolls his eyes. "Shut it, Rhea." Ebony gasps.

"Not my middle name." She says dramatically.

"Well there's two beautiful ones to choose from isn't there?" George asks back, joining in the teasing. "Jamie." Ebony gasps again. 

"Okay, see you in Defense Against the Dark Arts then, Gideon and Fabien." She states, picking up her croissant and leaving the Great hall. 

She makes it to Transfiguration in time and sits down in the back where she will be out of sight for the woman in her emerald green robes. Class isn't all too interesting but when they are expected to turn a hedgehog into a chair, many have trouble. 

"Mister Rowley, your chair has spines!" Professor McGonagall says loudly, pointing at it. Ebony chuckles and takes her wand off the desk. She points it at James Rowley's chair and whispers 'Expulso' under her breath. Not a second later and the chair explodes. "What happened?" Professor McGonagall looks around until her eyes land on a very smug Ebony Black.

"Miss Black, I suppose you have something to do with this?" She asks, the girl shrugs. "Detention this evening." 

"I'll see you there, Minnie." Professor McGonagall rolls her eyes at the very familiar nickname and returns to sit at her desk. 

"In our next class, we will talk about Animagus'." Ebony looks up with curiosity, a small smile makes its way onto her features as an idea, a very dangerous one at that, comes to mind. She gathers her things and rushes outside the classroom the moment Transfiguration is done. 

"Boys!" Fred, George and Lee stop in their tracks right in front of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. 

"Great! We wanted to tell you about our genius plan." George says. "After class we can--"

"I can't." Ebony replies, panting a little.

"How come?"

"Got detention with Minnie, of course." She replies as if it was obvious. 

"Oh, well, in that case... lets go inside." Fred says, entering the classroom. "Big chance we might join you in detention later, though." Ebony chuckles and sits down next to George meanwhile Fred and Lee sit behind them. It doesn't take long for Professor Lupin to enter too and close the door. 

"Good afternoon," he says. "Would you please put all your books back in your bags. Today's will be a practical lesson. You will need only your wands." A few curious looks are sent his way, it hasn't been often that Defense Against the Dark Arts is physical. Instead, more often than not, they would have their noses in their books. 

"It came to my attention that none of you have ever learned about boggarts." Professor Lupin states, for a moment his gaze lands on Ebony before he moves on. "So, I would like to teach you this now. Follow me." They all get up and walk through a deserted corridor where to their surprise, Peeves floats around while singing. 

"Loony, loopy Lupin," Peeves sings. "Loony, loopy Lupin, loony, loopy Lupin —"

Rude and unmanageable as he almost always was, Peeves usually showed some respect toward the teachers. Everyone looked quickly at Professor Lupin to see how he would take this; to their surprise, he was still smiling. Ebony found this admirable as even she had much hatred towards the ghost at times. 

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