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Song Name: Duje by Albina and familia Kelmendi

So far, this looks good, I think if we have a strong year with lots of good contestants this might struggle to qualify. (I jinxed it didn't I?) Give me your opinion in the comments.

The main singer can sing and perform, so can her parents. The blond sister can perform however it's like the camera is actively avoiding her. The brother is awkward and so is the other sister. Although at the high point of the song they do perform.  I feel like they have been dragged into this and not that they want to be there. It also makes the main singer look egotistical. I don't know, I think once they get used to performing and the camera doesn't always focus on the shy girl and the confident girl the performance and overall appeal of the song will increase. I would love to see the camera focus on the blond. I do however like the song. I feel like if they perfect the staging a bit this will be amazing.

Now that I can compare this to the other songs, it's amazing. The uniqueness that we need this year. I still don't know if it will qualify, it would be a shame not to have this in the final as it would make it more diverse in styles and in doing so make it more interesting. Looking more closely at the staging, I like the generation of kids wearing black and the parents wearing white. It gives more variety on stage and highlights the parents. When she falls on the floor is also very affective it adds to the drama and really highlights the high part of the song. Also, there is smoke coming out of the stage but it drifts of camera, they need to keep that smoke in the camera shot fully, it is very effective.

Lyrics in English:
Love them

Something inside me is suffocating

I don't understand what's happening, happening

I want it to stop

(What's happening)

Having everything,

Having it all,

Yet I don't feel content

They're splitting

Over a word

They're splitting, murdering love

They're splitting,

Forgetting they have a home

Kids at the table...

Love them, love them like before,

Keep that love safe,

Keep it safe, like your life,

Don't throw stones at it,

Keep that love safe,

Love it like your life.

They're splitting

over a word

They're splitting, murdering love

They're splitting,

Forgetting they have a home

And kids at the table

Love them, love them like before,

Keep that love safe,

Keep it safe like your life,

Don't throw stones at it,

Love it like before,

Keep that love safe,

Love it like your life.

(Love them, love them)

They're splitting

(Love them, love them)

Over a word

They're splitting, murdering love

(Love them, Love them)

They're splitting

(Love them, love them)

They forgot they have a home

And kids at the table

(Love them, Love them)

You can find my opinion when I have heard all the songs in "Opinion" and my prediction of how well it will go in "prediction". 

What is your opinion on Albanias song?

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, Kia.

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