Chapter 10

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Yuji is trying so hard to push aside the unnecessary guilty pleasure that keeps visiting his mind as if to irritate him as much as it could and does not help the fact that the thing, he despises so much has not uttered a word ever since that night and it was starting to drive Yuji crazy...and paranoid. Even while eating food, his thoughts would intrude and cause him to space out, replaying the memories over and over again in detail to the point he could almost feel it.
Weirdly enough, Sukuna was nowhere to be found...It was as if he was never in Yuji's head and he was hallucinating and needed to go see a doctor.

Yuji was kind of relieved that Sukuna wasn't there to hear the inner battles he was having with himself, because he didn't want to be wrapped around his finger and attached so easily that he would just fall to his knees if he ever commanded it-

'Okay! Time to shut the fuck up and actually go forget about all this' Yuji thought to himself as he pulled out his phone to text Megumi and ask if he and Nobara wanted to go grab some drinks in the night. Of course, as soon as he typed it out, they were at his door knocking impatiently as if that was going to provide them money by doing so.

"About fucking time! Did your mystery hook up ghost you or something?" Nobara teased as she strutted in wearing a sleek black dress and perfect make up to highlight her proportions. 
"Something like that" Yuji responded nonchalantly, which made Nobara do a double take. 
"Wow he really did ghost you...well time to find you a new man!...or woman? you're bi or some shit like that yeah?" 
"To be honest, I don't know what I am into anymore" he stated trying not to pull his hair out at the thought of only one person popping into his mind when he thought about who he wanted next to him. 

"Okay mood killer, you sound way depressed than I do, and that speaks a lot. Let's just get out and find your date for the night" Megumi stated throwing a black shirt at him, which he caught and immediately went to try on. He felt pretty confident with the way his shirt outlined his body and curved around his arms. 'At least now I don't look like I want to be bent over'  he thought to himself. 


The trio arrived at a run-down looking building that was booming with music and flashing lights, contrary to its exterior design. Stepping into the room, he watched everyone dance in the dark yet bright room, moving their bodies to the rhythm, and sweat drip their faces despite the cool air that surrounded the room. He took a peek at his wristwatch, where the time read 10:00pm and he already felt like going home. 'Come on man, just down a few drinks and go for it'  Yuji pep talked himself, and walked up to the bartender, requesting the strongest drink he could to gain a better confidence boost. 

Holding the drink in his hand, he mentally prepared his taste buds for the god-awful cancerous taste of alcohol, and downed half of his drink before swallowing in disgust and shuddering. Having had enough, he took his drink and decided that the balcony was the best place to be...away from all the loud noise. Trudging upstairs, he almost leaped through the door like he was running out of oxygen, which was hilarious of him to think about, since he had a pack of cigarettes that he kept ready for occasions like this. He was on an occasional cancer stick lover - not to often to the point of addiction, because he needed to maintain his stamina to function.

 Finding a nice and secluded area, he sat on one of the chairs, and used a clipper to light up his cigarette, and he took a brief puff before loosely letting it roam in his system and finally exhaling it out, allowing a long string of smoke to escape, as if a part of his soul was sucked out. His brain was starting to feel nice and fuzzy as he relaxed against the chair and looked at the view of the city before him. It was truly a magical and calming moment. He took another sip of his drink, when someone decided to take a seat in front of him. 

'Do you mind if I sit here?' his voice was pretty attractive, and he had a mullet, with piercings around his ears, and one on his lip. Yuji thought he could be a distraction, but was not about to get ahead of himself, because he wasn't even sure if the man swung that way, and assumptions were not a very classy thing to do in his opinion. 
'Nah, you're good' Yuji spoke, as the man gave a tiny smirk, and made himself comfortable across Yuji. 
'So, what brings you here? Not enjoying the vibe downstairs?' 
'Not really, I prefer being outdoors and enjoying the taste of death dancing in my lungs from time to time' 
'Aren't you humorous...I like that. My name is Aspen. What about you?'
'I like to be humorous when I'm at my worst. Nice to meet you Aspen, my name is Yuji' 
'Well Yuji, since you seem to adorning the smell of death...' Aspen gestures to the cigarette on his hand and the drink that he just put back down, 
'Would like to try my drink? I bet it's stronger than yours' 
'Is that a challenge?' Yuji looked at him knowingly. 
'I mean, if you don't want it you don't have to try it' 

Without any response back, Yuji grabbed the drink of Aspen's hand and downed it in one go, avoiding the feeling of his body trying to reject the taste and the burn it gave his mouth, compared to any drink or cigarette he had. 
'Wow, you're pretty bold for someone who was chilling outside and enjoying the night view' 
'And you're a very observant person for someone who came all the way to a club' 
'I'm just like you' Aspen gave a slight smile. 
'My friends dragged me here, hoping I would find a cute girl..' Upon hearing that Yuji felt a hint of disappointment, because now he had to look for someone else and he was wasting his time. 
'But honestly, I feel like I'd rather look for an attractive guy' he smirked, as Yuji felt his face heat up slightly, but again he was not ready to jump him like that. 
'Have you found one yet?' Yuji questioned, pretending to be aloof. 
'Not really...I feel like getting out of here and taking a walk...want to join me?' 
'Sure, I don't mind that' Yuji felt like Aspen was a decent guy, and maybe he could take things slow with him and get to know him more. 

Aspen got up and Yuji followed suit, but felt his head spin the moment he stood up. 'the fuck' he thought to himself as he looked around and felt like everything around him was shaking. 
'Hey are you okay?' Aspen questioned and Yuji tried to respond but all he could do was nod his head. 
' don't look okay...come on, let's get some fresh air outside from all of this' he responded back with another nod and let Aspen hold his arm and lead him the way, as his footsteps went from confident to weak and wobbly, trying to decipher which path they should go. 

The more they kept walking, the more Yuji felt his body heat up as he started panting and shivering. He didn't understand why he was feeling this way, maybe he was beginning to feel sick, but he just was not sure. Something about this whole situation did not feel right. Aspen was leading him away from all the noise, and he felt a ringing in his ear, despite it being pitch quiet and all of a sudden it was not so bright anymore and they were in an alley. 
'Something seriously does not feel right...where are we?'   

'Aspen...where are we going right now?' 
'Somewhere more quiet...why?' 
'I don't feel so good right now, I think I'm sick' 
'Oh you aren't sick' 
' you...mean?' Yuji felt his words slurring. 
'Oh...because I spiked your drink' Aspen smiled innocently. 
'W-what?' Yuji coughed out, suddenly feeling his heart rate pacing as he felt himself grow warmer. 
'Didn't you hear me? I. Drugged. You.' Aspen pointed out. 
'Why?' he spluttered out, sweat slowly starting to drip from his forehead. 
'I wanted to see if it works? It's supposed to make you feel weak and increase your sexual desire, and your face is flushed, you look so fuckable right now' he smirked looking at Yuji which such a sinister look, that Yuji almost saw a glint of red in eyes. 
'N-nno, I don't want this' Yuji pushed him away with any strength he had it, but Aspen simply shoved him against the wall, trapping him from moving. 

'Oh?... But I want it...

...Now stay quiet and be a good boy for me' 


I reappeared to write this goofy ahh chapter. Hopefully I remember to write the next one, I don't know? There isn't much action here because I did not want to make it too long. I've been a busy person and losing and gaining motivation for this book. Let's see how far I decide to take it? Till then take care. 

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