Chapter 6 Under The Shadows

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Still shocked about what just happened a few days ago my mind would not let me rest,I feel really bad sleeping next to Celeste after what i just had done. I turned to look at her, My beautiful Celeste, her eyes were close and i wish i could see her beautiful eyes again, "Wake up celeste, wakeup, i need you to be awake again, please." I whispered into her ear, her familiar scent traveling down my nose.

There's a sudden knock on the door that caught me off guard, i stood up and went beside the door "Who is it?" I asked, there was a sudden pause "It's me."It answered and i was stunned when i realised whose voice is that,Max.
I opened the door and went outside, i closed the door behind me and went straight ahead to the stairs as she follows, i opened the door to the old room where we usually train in combat.

I looked both ways to the hallway making sure no one saw us together alone in a room before closing it.
"I'm so sorry but this thing, with both of us has to stop, i was high back then., i didn't know what i was doing, that's so stupid of me, i was worried you might take it the wrong way."I explained along with my anxiety that's visibly showing.

"Easy,I mean i didn't think you're gonna overthink that much, i never took it that way,you were attractive and it kinda just happened,also that's not why i want to talk to you." She walked next to the window and i looked at her confused.

"It's about Celeste, I've heard some things about her before,but before i wasn't sure if it was really her,Did you know?.... You know? About her not just being a witch?" She asked but this time in a lower voice, she's probably making sure no one hears it.

"I do know, what's it to you?" I sat in the floor by the corner. She walked up and sat next to me.
"What's it to you?" I asked, not really a question.

"No, i mean did you know that she's the person that was in the tales of travelers? You don't know do you?"She looked at me straight in the eye with a wrikled forehead.

"Do tell."I told her before taking out a cigarette and lighting it up,after getting a hit i handed her the cigarette and lit a new one.

"Well it's quite a known tale. It's about how a girl would walk on this earth and end all the supernaturals,she'd be invincible, too powerful to be defeated or overcome. She's too powerful that she could end us all,It is said that she can't be killed like us, vampires, she also has her own venom, a venom that once you get you cannot be cured. She's the main target of the hunters, i wasn't sure back then if it was her but when they took her here i saw the mark on her left wrist." She lifted her hand and showed me a triangle with a line on the middle symbol marked and etched onto her skin.

"What are you?" What even is she and why does she also have a mark identical to what celeste has.

"I'm a hybrid, half vamp half wolf, i know what you're gonna say, that's not possible because a wolves venom can kill a vampire, well in my case it's been in my system since i was born, so does my 'tag'. "She pointed to the symbol once again.

"There's only very few of us who's a hybrid, some of the hybrids didn't survive just when they were a baby."

"Is Sloane also a hybrid?"I asked.

"No,She wasn't actually my fully twin, we were triplets, one got taken away by some Jegers and there was me and Sloane , we don't share the same father,The one who tried to kill Celeste was my father, the one Sloane killed. He is... Well, was.. my father. My mother refused to tell us who's Sloane's father, only that he was a monster,he was brilliant enough to remove her memories of him..." There was a pause and she again looked at me. "Sloane was tough. She's much tougher than me , that's how she got the position of a High Reeve, quiet a power move honestly,She was the first woman to have the spot, it's most commonly a men to take it."

"Anyways, about Celeste,like i said i think she might be the tribrid, the tag was only imprinted by those who were wolves with a tint of vampire, as far as i know she might be, she just wasn't fully aware of it, or maybe she was,In able for her to know if she really is a part wolf, she should be able to survive without the ring, she should be able to go outside the sun without burning herself, once she survive the sun, it's definite that she must be the tribrid, and we should know that as soon as possible, as fast as we can, not only my tag can indicate my identity. it can also detect a Jeger, the more they burn and sore the more they were near, i wasn't planning on telling you this sooner but i can feel it in bones in my skin even , they're here,if i found out she's the tribid it's only a matter of time before they would too,If you wanna let her live,we should wake her up,we should do anything in our power for her to be conscious again, without her on our team it'll be vulnerable for us." We finished the cigarettes in our hand and got all relaxed and calm, her telling me stories only adds more to my drowsiness.

We spent the remaining hours talking about more about ourselves, she also mentioned how she hated her sister Sloane because she was better, i think Max didn't realize how good was she aswell, she was blinded by hate and jealousy, if i am to tell Max was better, much nicer and has empathy unlike Sloane who literally looks like she only care about herself, and my girlfriend, to also i have no idea why she's treating Celeste that way, i think that's the mystery isn't it, why was she doing all this, what's her motive, once we get celeste conscious again, hopefully we can leave this place,
I would be banish from Qetsiyah because I'm no longer a witch but she is, she's still a witch, she could still go home, even without me.
Max and I has some similarities growing up, it's ironic how different worlds can be the same at some point.

We emptied the whole pack of cigarettes that's now lying on the floor.It was getting pretty late.

"I'm too lazy to go back in the other side of the manor just to sleep."I stated, my eyes half closed. Looking outside the sun is starting to rise, she stood up and closed the solid black window sill and the double black curtain before sitting next to me again.

I tried to fight it but my eyes were too tired from days of not sleeping much so i just decided to sleep and use her lap as a pillow.I could also see her eyes closed so I'm assuming she's asleep as well.


It was pitch black and not too noisy, i can hear the woods squeaking from outside the door but it was a faint sound, i slightly opened my eyes and felt her hands carrying me, i would want to jump but i don't have the energy to do that, instead i just let her be and waited for her and for us to arrive to her room as she laid me to the bed.It was still cold and the room was dark, she removed my boots off of my feet and also removed my coat, hood and jacket, it's much comfortable,after a pause she pulled a double blanket over me, my eyes still closed but appreciating the small things that she's doing for me, i could also see her eyes were half closed. She laid next to me and hugged the blanket over her,she gave me a kiss in the forehead before going back to sleep. I would be mad at her by doing that but i wasn't, i can't, all she did was be nice to me, since the day i got here, things happens, some we're out of control,but that was it, i can't fight it off anymore.

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