Chapter 12 - Ignite

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Ichika grabbed the cigarette from Kazuma's mouth and promptly tossed it into the nearby trash can on the roof. ''Nuh-uh! Not within the school boundaries.''

''Hey!'' The boy was looking at her with an expression between anger and surprise. But the flash of emotion on his face was short-lived, and he turn back to his usual poker face. ''What's the big idea Nakano?''

''It's Ichika. We're all Nakano and if you are caught on the roof with a cigarette within the school boundaries, you'll definitely be expelled from school. Onee-san just helping out, hehe.''

''Whatever— You said you were looking for me. So, speak.''

''Ah...Right,right, right, that topic.''

Ichika was cradling his jacket in her arms. The jacket she borrowed from him during the festival a while ago. Kazuma gave it to Ichika when it was raining, but after all the fuss, it was too dirty to be used. She had offered to clean it for him, so she'd had it for a while.

''My jacket...''

''I told you I'd wash it and bring it back, didn't I? It took a little long, but I managed to get all the dirt off.

Kazuma took the jacket from Ichika's hand without saying a word and draped it over his shoulder. It was clear he didn't want to have a long conversation. With the jacket now in his possession, he turned around and headed back to where he was standing before.

''HMPF!!!'' Ichika pouted, her irritation quite obvious.

She chose to follow him instead of leaving the roof; she had gone to all this trouble to clean that jacket, and she didn't even get a thank you. On the other hand, The boy seem heavily disturbed.

''What now? You came to bring my jacket back, didn't you? Now, buzz off.''

''Absolutely not, I'll definitely not leave until I get a proper thank you.''


Kazuma's temper seems to be getting worse and worse, although it may not be obvious. It's a known fact that Ichika is good at teasing people.

The roof of the school was a fairly large area, which made it unlikely for anyone to spot them from afar. This gave Ichika the freedom to move around as she pleased without being easily seen. If someone didn't rat them out, no one would know they were here.

''UWAAA!!— Hah hah hah...!''

Kazuma's sudden movement was swift and forceful, catching Ichika off guard as she found herself pinned against the cold, unforgiving surface of the roof-wall. His sharp eyes bore into her, piercing like the edge of a blade ready to strike. Although Ichika wasn't physically hurt, the sudden action left her feeling frightened.

''Leave me alone. I don't want to deal with anyone right now.''

Yet, Ichika just smiled even though she's in an incredibly dangerous situation right now. This child with no obvious boundaries could have done her serious harm right now.

''Not without a thank you.''

''The fuck is your problem...''

Ichika frown this time. ''My problem is that I've spent hours cleaning that stupid jacket, and I can't get anything in return Kazuma-kun. I know that's not your style, but you need to learn how to thank people.''

''None of your business.''

"Maybe, but first— Could you please let me go? Or are you going to try doing kinky things to my body~" Ichika's words dripped with sarcasm, her attempt at lightening the tense atmosphere falling flat.


Kazuma released his grip on Ichika's neck, exhaling a profound sigh. His awareness of his inherent shortcomings as a person were no secrets. Despite the discernment of Asuka and Fuutarou regarding his character, they persisted in their, support and care for him.

Hourglass [Quintessential Quintuplets x OCs]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora