43 🥀 Dripping Wet

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Taeyong wiped the sweat from his brow. This was his second ballet class since taking it up again, and it made Taeyong happy to know that he wasn't as out of practice as he'd thought. He could still pull off the splits for one thing. And his stamina hadn't been terrible.

"I'm impressed, Taeyong," said instructor Wang, who insisted his students call him Jackson. "ballet's really like riding a bike to you."

"Thanks, Jackson. I've been meaning to come back." Taeyong went to the locker area to get changed back into his normal clothes.

"Taeyong," called Jackson. "If you still want it, your old position's yours again. And speaking of, the junior class will be coming soon to practice for an upcoming recital. Why don't you stay back and observe how they're going? I know for a fact they'll be excited to see you again."

Taeyong hadn't even thought of asking if his part-time job would still be available. He had loved being an assistant instructor to the younger classes though.

So Taeyong ended up staying back an extra hour, texting Johhny to ask if it was still okay that he came over tonight. As he went to press send, he got semi-crash-tackled in a hug.

"Taeyongie Hyung! Why were you gone so long?"

"Hey Donghyuk. I was just busy with high school and family stuff. I'm glad you've kept up this class though. You enjoying it?"

"It was better when you were here." The fourteen-year-old pouted like the brat he was. Taeyong always liked Donghyuk for that, and he had a feeling his junior acted younger than his age so others would underestimate him. "But yeah, I really love it. Even though my new instructor shouts at us like a military drill instructor."

Taeyong knew the instructor Donghyuk was talking about – and definitely agreed.

Donghyuk's parents also came over, happy to see Taeyong, asking hopefully if he would return to teaching here. It also turned out that his hubae had improved in English a lot, and wanted to go to an anime and gaming convention that his parents weren't allowing until he had someone to go with. The same convention Taeyong had told Shotaro about.

So he contacted Yuta and his younger brother, introduced Donghyuk's parents, and now Donghyuk and Shotaro had been texting each other for the past half hour. Even if Donghyuk and Shotaro were constantly using their hyung to act as translator, Taeyong didn't mind. Hopefully, the two fourteen-year-olds would actually improve each other's English and Korean.

Taeyong stayed back to help Jackson pack away, and by the time they both left, Taeyong realised it was dark outside, and the crowds were rapidly diminishing under the new curfew.

Taeyong forgot about that. He should've taken up Jackson's offer for a lift.

He went through the taxi app as he walked up to the main road, street lamps lighting his way.

Someone screamed.

Taeyong took off toward the sequestered laneway.

"Anna!" screamed a woman, followed by the screams of young children calling "Mummy!"

He stopped at the mouth of the laneway to see unmistakable fangs that belonged to a vampire attacking a mum and her two young children. Taeyong recognised the family vaguely as the mother had signed those children up today for ballet.

The vampire was attempting to grab one of the children whilst the mother was spraying him in the eyes with pepper spray. For a moment, Taeyong froze. What the hell could he do? By the looks of the vampire's clumsy frenzy, it could've been one of the newly Turned Yuta had described.

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