chapter 17 : Battle of control part 2 : duals of rounds

Start from the beginning

"nehir wins by eliminating heat outside the ring the score 2-1 for team multiverse !" the referee yelled

the crowd got nuts because of the fight

"good job nehir" ilyas said

"Thanks now your turn ilyas" Nehir replied

Ilyas went to the ring  and met Ethan but ilyas doesn't recognize him and he thought he was familiar

"Hey you look pretty familiar for me have you met before ?" Ilyas asks

"Battle 4 ilyas from team multiverse versus Ethan from team control !" The host yelled

At that moment ilyas immediately realize that he's Ethan

"Ethan what the hell have they done to you ?" Ilyas asks in shock

"They make me stronger even than you" Ethan replied

Then the sun went down

"Okay kids get ready sun down" esmie said

"Monsters up" the super monsters reply at the same time before turning to their super monster forms "super monsters !"

"Monsters up" Ethan replied before turning in a vampire "super monsters"

Everyone became shock because of what happened

"Oh my God Ethan just transformed into a vampire looks like those battles are unbelievable let's see what's going to happen !" The host yelled

Then suddenly Ethan went flying to ilyas and start fighting him while ilyas dodge the attack

"Ethan stop i can't fight you" ilyas said

"Well i can" Ethan replied as he continues fighting

Then ilyas realized something about Ethan

"Ethan they're controlling you those demonical morons" ilyas said "and the only one who's controlling you is psycho"

Then heat laughed while psycho controlling Ethan's mind

"Well you're smart enough to realize that he's controlled" heat said

"Damn it you morons this unforgivable !" esmie yelled

"And if you want to send him free you must surrender" heat replied

"Actually there's another way to do it I'm not stupid to fall in the trap" ilyas replied before he starts fighting Ethan "now prepare to this kid"

Then ilyas punched Ethan a punch garden outside the ring to a wall and then fell to the ground which caused psycho to lose the ability to control Ethan's mind

"Ilyas Wins by eliminating Ethan outside the ring the score 2-2 for team multiverse !" The referee yelled

Then ilyas went to Ethan to see him got up

"What what happened ?" Ethan asks

"Welcome back Ethan I kicked your butt in the battle to save you" ilyas replied

"Battle ?"

"Yeah those demons controlled you and turned you to a vampire just like the Shadows but don't worry I saved you from them and you can fly back to your sister and to fly think about something you absolutely love"

"Sure" Ethan replied before he starts thinking about something he loved and fly back to his sister

"Now it's my time to go back" ilyas replied before he went to his place

"Good job buddy you saved him and made him back to his sister" Nehir replied

"Yeah it was so cool now Mordecai your turn" ilyas replied

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