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Madeline and Arno made it. "You alright? He asked her. She looked over at him, "Yeah the council is going to have to owe me answers." Madeline said as she fiddled with her mother's necklace. "But I really appreciate my mother's necklace returned." Madeline added. "Well it's piece of your mother, like my watch is a piece of my father." Arno said.

Madeline looked Arno and smiled. "I think our parents would've been amazed to see their children becoming like them, while my mother's mom, would've gone mad." Madeline said, which she and Arno chuckled.

"Oh do you remember the time, we wrestled and ended up in the mud?" Arno asked and She chuckled. "She was so angry, but my mother told her to cool it."  Madeline told him. "Then she told me, that I acted like my grandmother Bela." Madeline said. "Your mother met her?" Arno asked. "No, she read my grandmother's journal, which I possessed one of then which included her adventures with my grandfather, oh how they were quite a pair." Madeline said. "I just want to make them proud, make my mother proud." Madeline added. "You are doing that." Arno said.

Madeline smiled at Arno. "We are going to get in some serious trouble, but no time to waste." Madeline said as she looked ahead.


Madeline and Arno looked around the area.

"..You'll be reinforced before the Master arrives, We'll post snipers on the roof. The instructions are all here. Get to it." The guard said to the other, holding a paper.

Then Madeline looked towards an entry way.

 "Think we should go with them?"

"The Master's elite bodyguards? I think they can handle it."

"Suppose your right."

Madeline took a breath as she looked over at Arno, "We'd better find ourselves a place to wait before the rest of them arrive." Arno said. "Our best bet is disarm the bells and get a hold of those plans." Madeline said and Arno nodded.

"You grab onto the plans, I got the bells." Arno said. "On it." Madeline said as she hopped down, taking down two guards. "She's something." Arno mumbled as he hopped down. After taking care of that, Arno and Madeline met up. "Bells taken care of, you got the plans?" Arno asked. "(Yes), should be a walk in the park."  Madeline said. "Also gotten us some resistance." Arno said. "Look at you go." Madeline said. "Where do we hide?" Madeline then asked. Arno looked at the shack, then he pulled her into the shack.

They stayed silent and close together while they wait, Madeline could feel her heart beating out of her chest.

"The Truth is in peril, my brothers. She is beset on all quarters. Jacobins lay her on the rack cruelly breaking her to their populist agenda." Madeline heard him, Nodded at Arno. "Be cautious." Arno whispered. "You be careful." Madeline whispered to him sternly. "Yes madam." He whispered back.

Madeline cautiously took the guards out so Arno doesn't get caught. "Now what do you think you doing." She heard the guards behind her. She took them out which caught  Lafreniere's attention which alerted Arno. Arno came up behind him and took him out.

"Then rise, my brother and be welcome."

"You don't trust the man, do you?"

"Mirabeau is a good man. An honest man."

"Mirabeau is a self-aggrandizing drunk! Don't get me started on the De'marie woman."

"De'marie was a dear friend of mine, her daughter is my Elise's best friend, Do not forget who is Grand Master here,  Lafreniere." 

"Take this to Grand Master De La Serre immediately. Deliver it to him in person."

"Yes, Master."

"Master, we have a problem." 

"Christophe has been feeding information to our enemies. We must assume this location is compromised."

"We'll have to move up our timetable. Gather the men. We strike l'Hotel de Beauvais tonight."

Madeline gasped. "Mom." She mumbled. She looked at Arno, Arno grabbed onto her hand and led her out. They ran avoiding guards, Madeline's Mind wondered to her mother.


As they walked into the brotherhood, Arno's eyes wondered over to Madeline who was clutching onto her mother's necklace. Madeline knew she now needed answers. She took off the necklace and held it in her hand.

Arno and Madeline walked into an argument. "Enough, enough! The room is fogged with your bluster! All hot air and no action. Yet here's a man and woman with good news, I think." Mirabeau said as Madeline and Arno entered. "Arno, what did you learn from the silversmith?" Mirabeau asked. 

Arno held up a blade, then set it on the table. Bellec examined it. "Poison. They're catching up." Bellec answered. "Germain made that pin and others like it, for a man name Lafreniere." Arno explained. "Are you sure?"  Mirabeau questioned. "Certain." 

Madeline opened her hand and looked at the necklace. "Grand Master De La Serre spoke highly of his loyalty. Not to mention Isabelle did as well, as she didn't trust templars as it was. Hm, very well. I suppose the course is clear, Arno. Find (Mister) Lafreniere.." Mirabeau said. 

"I have done so already along with Ms. Kenway, (Mister). He is no threat." Arno said. Madeline looked up at Mirabeau. "What are you saying, pisspot?" Bellec asked.  "Madeline and I had a lead on Lafreniere. I followed it and I killed him." Arno said and Madeline nodded.

Commotion broke. Madeline set the necklace down on the table, Mirabeau. "Now, You all or at least one of you deserve to give me answers on what happened to my mother and how a templar had a hold of this necklace, my mother's necklace!" Madeline snapped causing the room to go silent.

"Mirabeau, what happen to my mother in america?" Madeline asked. He sighed. "Your brother Connor..." Mirabeau started. "Brother? You mean from my father?" Madeline asked and He nodded. "Connor called for help with taking down your father and the templars. Your mother didn't hesitate when she heard Haytham was involved, she didn't hesitate but your mother was in danger, the moment she stepped foot into America, Charles Lee was the one who killed your mother, Your brother took him down. Sent her back with a letter, a letter to let us know Haytham was no more and Isabelle was gone, but he knew he had a sister, he left us this letter to you." Mirabeau explained as he handed her a letter. "As for the necklace, Lee had snatched it before she took Haytham down, how did it make it back to France, I have no answer for you, but I'm really glad it got return to it's owner, her daughter." 

Madeline hummed in response as she tucked the letter away before she picked the necklace up. "Now then, Go on to the club, See what you two can learn, but no more rash action, hmm?" Mirabeau said to both Arno and Madeline. "Yes, Mentor." Madeline and Arno said. Madeline put on her mother's necklace.

Arno and Madeline left the room, "That went smoothly." Madeline said. "Well you got some answers." Arno said to her. "But is there more to the story." Madeline said and Arno nodded as they headed off to the club.

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