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6 years later.

Elena walked outside. She was mad she had told the kids to sit and do homework but they had run outside. "Henrick Jenna get in this house"

"But mom someone's coming" Henrick complained he could sense someone coming.

"Rebekah's not coming today she's coming tomorrow get in this house or you can go sit in the corner." Elena scolded She hated being mad at them but they had a thing about not listening.

They both walked into the house and asked."Who is he?"

Elena walked into the house stopping in her tracks when she saw Kol. "Damn it"

A few hours earlier.

Rebekah was in her room packing to go to Paris. When her phone started to ring it was Freya who had recently come into the loop.

"What the hell is our excuse for leaving" Freya asked she knew Hayley and Rebekah had done this often but she had never done it. 

Rebekah didn't see Kol and Elijah enter her room. Adjusting the phone to her ear so she could finish putting clothes in. "Girls trip were going to New York not Paris were taking Hope with us." 

"How many times a year do y'all do this?" Freya asked she did know the two took trips a lot and now she was wondering was everytime to go see Elena.

"Once a month twice when possible Elena wanted to do this so i agreed with her and so did Hayley. I love my brother but she was broken when i saw her." Rebekah knew it was wrong to lie to him but after the way she saw Elena she couldn't bring herself ti care about her brother's feelings. "Henrick and Jenna are 5 now and it's getting harder on her Something is brewing"

Kol was about to move but Elijah stopped him. Wanting to hear the rest of the conversation.

"How long do i pack for" Freya asked not sure how long they were going to be there.

"A week depending on how long she lets us stay she likes us around but then she feels guilty cause she didn't tell him." Rebekah knew wasn't going to go away but she also wasn't going to be the one to tell him. She would let Elena do it

"Why did you tell me and not him" Freya asked knew there had to be a reason why she hadn't told him she was pregnant.

"Cause their magic started a long time ago it's been easy to control so far but now not so much." Rebekah knew at this stage in her niece and nephew's life they needed actual magic training from a witch. "You're a witch she's in Paris alone that city is huge and she's by herself with two kids who are starting to act a lot like our brother." 

"Ok that makes sense you still have yet to fill me in?" Freya literally barely understood anything that was going on.

"Something happened between the two i don't know what she came here to try to tell him but she met Davina changed her mind. She went to Paris because apparently, Isobel left something in her name there. It was far away from the U.S and she didn't have to worry about running into us she called me i brought Hayley." She knew it wasn't right but it was what Elena had needed so she and Hayley had done that for her. "We visit every chance we could every once in a while taking Hope with now that they have magic we need a witch and plus you know that kind of power"

"I'm ready to go when you three are." She was about to hang up when she heard something. "Is someone else there with you."

Rebekah turned around and saw her two brothers. She knew that she was in trouble now. "Damn it."

"Nik we need a dagger" Kol shouted. Elijah vamped out and came back in with Hayley. Klaus walked in with a dagger confused.

"Why" Klaus was confused why his little brother would need one of the daggers.

"Rebekah you didn't?" They had been careful to not let anyone else know what had been going on. But from the fact that Elijah just grabbed her and Kol looked pissed she figured the two of them now knew what was going on. 

"I didn't hear them come in i thought i was alone" Rebekah freaked she wouldn't have said anything if she had knew the two of them were there.

Freya magically flashed in looking around. She knew they were about done for now. "Oh shit."

"Yeah Elena's gonna kill me she will murder me in cold blood." Rebekah knew Elena wasn't going to be happy about this she had never wanted them to know what happened.

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" Klaus asked still confused to what was happening.

"Rebekah you have ten seconds before you get a dagger in your heart." Kol wasn't playing he wanted to know what the hell his sister was talking about and he wanted to know now.

"It's not her fault." Hayley knew Rebekah couldn't be blamed for it after all it had been her idea she had told Elena she didn't have to tell them. Everyone looked over to her. "I was the one that told Elena we would do whatever she wanted like if I had had a choice i'd be in Mexico with my daughter."

Rebekah nodded she knew Elena had done well raising them by herself and things could continue that way. "Elena Henrick and Jenna are good by themselves i can't make her do anything they may be your kids but they are hers to." 

Kol held out his hand and Nik handed him the dagger he vamped to Rebekah and daggered her. He hated that his sister would keep something like this from him"Never ever lie to me." Elijah took her and put her in her coffin. Kol turned towards Freya and Hayley. "You are lucky you are a mother and you are lucky that you're not a vampire. Now tell me where they are."

-- Present

"What are you doing here" Elena asked she knew the girls wouldn't have told him about the kids.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way?" Kol was giving her the options of how she wanted to do this but either way he was taking them back to New Orleans.

"You can't force me to do anything I'm fine here with them by myself i don't need help." Elena knew if they were here they had taken care of Rebekah more than likely daggering her for lying to them. "Where's Rebekah"

"Rebekah is in a coffin that i am ready to drop at the bottom of the ocean unless you start talking." Kol could see that Rebekah and Elena had gotten close and he was going to use that to his advantage.

Elena crossed her arms over her chest she knew they wouldn't tell them so she wanted to know how he had found out. "How did you even find out? She wouldn't tell you none of them would cause they agreed with my decision." 

Kol smirked he wasn't an original for nothing he knew how to make sure he wasn't heard and hide in the shadows. "I am stealthier than I look Elijah and I were standing at her doorway and she didn't even see us until Freya mentioned that she heard something by that time it was too late we heard everything."

Elena looked over at Henrick and Jenna she didn't want them down here for this. "You two upstairs now." 

"But mom!" Henrick whined he didn't want to leave her down here.

"Upstairs!" Elena ordered the two nodded turning and running upstairs they knew better than to not listen to their mom when she was in a bad mood.

"Go pack y'all things or we can do this the hard way and i don't think that you want to do that Elena" Kol was making them come whether she wanted to or not.

"You can't force me into anything." Elena sensed someone behind her turning to see Klaus and Elijah standing at the doorway. She turned back towards Kol."You brought your brothers figures."

"You want to do this the hard way?" If she wanted to be stubborn and not come willingly he would just take them.

Elena rolled her eyes looking at him. "Fine Hard way it is."

The n suddenly her vision went black.

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