💖tasty love~ bob x F cannibal reader!💖 pt.1

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Sigh, look at Bob in jail😔

⚠️Warning: contains gore, flirting, swear words!⚠️

Enjoy :)

Your pov:

I was walking to my house in the dark, gloomy foggy night holding a bag over my shoulder. I looked to see no one around, so I quietly went inside my house with the bag. I shut the door and went downstairs. I opened the door and flicked the lights on. I evilishly laughed when I set down the body bag on the table with my materials around. "Aww, poor soul looks like he should've paid more attention~"I took off my sweater so blood wouldn't get on it, only left with my white tank top. I grabbed the saw and began to cut off the guys arm and legs. I saw the blood leak out as some got on my tank top and fingers and even on my face. I smiled wide and licked some of the blood off my fingers. as I finished cutting the legs and arms, I heard a knock on my door. "Great way to ruin the moment for me.. Anyways, who could that be at this time? It's literally 12:43!" I groaned and put the saw down. I went up the stairs and walked over to the door. When I opened it I saw nobody. "Ugh.. it's probably some ass wipes trying to prank me.." I mumbled. When I was about to go downstairs, I saw that the door was closed. My suspicious grew as I reached for the knife under my tank top in the belt of my black pants. I opened to the door quietly and slowly. I walked downstairs with caution and turned around the corner to see a big red demon eating an arm of my victims body. When i took a closer look, i saw that it was Bob velseb, the cannibalistic wanted guy. I only saw him with his mask on.. I actually didn't know if he was a demon or not he kinda just looked like one. "Well, well, I didn't know I was serving free food for the devil himself.. Bob velseb.. huh?" The demon turned around and saw me with my arms crossed. Looking at him with an unpleased face, he smiled wide at me just like his mugshots, walking slowly closer to me. he raised his finger up slowly and his other hand with a knife. "Did you know.. Every second, your body produces 25 million new cells..?" His deep southern accent was hot, but I raised my eyebrow, not scared at what he said. I know he was just trying to scare me, but nothing really frightened me about his appearance..

I just kinda thought he was very attractive.

"Aahh, I'm so sCaReD..!" I sarcasticly said, raising my knife up to him. "Look, don't steal my shit Velseb. Also, why are you eating my food anyway? You don't know that upsets me, don't you.." I said deeply, glaring at him.

Bobs pov:

I was stunned by her sudden action. I was about to say something until I heard the word "food" My smile faded away, realizing something. "Wait.. are ya, a cannibal too..?" She laughed maniacally, still pointing her knife at me. "Are you kiddin? Of course I am! I literally have blood on my face and shirt, I even have several bones of body parts everywhere!" She smiled widely at me. I widened my eyes a little in complete shock. I always thought I was the only cannibal in this town. "What's that emotion on your face? It looks like you've seen a ghost!" She laughed, snorting at me as I changed my emotion to anger and growled at her. "What happened to 'i'M sO sCaRy' look. you really thought you were the only one? Pathetic. Even for a wanted criminal." I pinned her against the wall with my knife on her neck, already getting tired of her bullshit. I glared at her. "Why haven't i seen you on the news, huh? Darlin'?" She smirked at me. "Because I.. never got caught." She pushed me away from her, smiling at me creepy. I was stunned and blushed a light faded pink. I couldn't come against her she's just so.. wait, NO, she's a threat. YOU JUST MET HER FOR GODS SAKE! Dont catch feelings. but she's just so.. god.

I found her beautiful in every way she was just so much of my type.

I pinned her against the wall again with both my hands pinning her wrists against the wall, making her drop her kinfe on the floor, smirking at her. "I don't wanna catch feelings for you dear.. but you're just so beautiful~" she blushed a faint pink but scoffed and tried to push me away. "Stop it. you don't mean that I know you don't, how about you just leave Bob, and we pretend like this didn't happen.." I grinned at her and put my face closer to her.

Authors pov:

"Darling, I know I love ya, you just don't know that~" Bob said, putting one of his hands off your wrists and putting it on your face. "May i help get that cleaned for you~?" Bob looked at the blood spot on your cheek. "Uh.. what do you mean by-" you were cut off when he licked your cheek cleaning the blood spot right off. He stopped licking your cheek when it was all cleaned and pulled away from you. Taking his hand off your wrist. He chuckled when he saw your red flustered face.
You growled at Bob and smirked at him, thinking of an idea of your own.

"You wanna stay here for tonight, huh?" Bob nodded his head from excitement. "YES- I-I mean.. i would love to spend time with ya, darlin~" You couldn't help but smile at him. "Bob, just wait.. let's eat dinner first~" he grinned at you, and you guys began to feast on the victim's body.

"Ey, what's ur name anyways, darlin? I know you know mine~"

"Y/n L/n, or you can you just call me y/n.. Bob~"

You said, taking a bite out of the arm.


I'll make pt.2 Don't worry.😔
I didn't really have motivation on the ending, but who cares anyway-😏


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