The Beginning

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*third person pov*

the shots of a revolver are heard as y/n fired her gun over and over at a rusty wooden board on the docks of Manhattan, New York City. the last shot bangs against the board, bouncing off of it and retreating into the dark blue sea. "shit." she muttered. "that was my last one." a shout was heard from Riff Lorton, her best friend since childhood....well, second best friend. "hey, what-cha doing here girlie-girl?" he shouted. she turned and looked at him. "just...'' y/n looked at the gun, then the board. "shooting the shit. how 'bout you?'' he smirked at the girl. "just rounding up us jets for the day.'' her eyebrows raised in mock surprise. "getting ready for the dance, I bet.'' she said, swatting his shoulder. riff extended his hand out to her. "well, you coming?''

the two walked through the alleyways, laughing and joking about the dumbest things till they reached Valentina's Shop. the door jingled as y/n held it open for her fellow jet. Then Tony, y/n's first best friend, walked over to the two. "what are you guys doing here?'' he asked with a frown, "you know the dance is tonight, right?'' she asked with a playful grin. "you can finally find the girl of your dreams." his frown turned into a dreamy smile. "yeah, maybe I can.'' he then looked at riff and gestured a 'get out' motion with his hands. riff groaned in exasperation and walked out of the shop, mumbling as he went. tony turned and looked at y/n. ''so...what did you want to tell me?'' she asked with a puzzling stare. he took a deep breath, "y/n, I was wondering if you could help me get ready for tonight.'' y/n tried to not laugh. Tony, an ex-jet, A boy, wanted her help for the dog days dance? tony was waiting for her answer. she covered her mouth and counted to 5 in her head. "1...2....3....4....5.'' y/n then blurted out, "fine, I'll help your sorry ass. BUT...only because you need it.''

it was now late afternoon and the sun was just beginning to set over the roofs of the buildings and y/n was still at Valentina's, helping tony with his suit. she had her sowing kit out and was patching the ripped parts of it together. tony tried to hold in the pain of being pricked by a sowing needle. "almost....done!'' y/n shouted in glee as she sowed together the last patch. tony sighed in relief. "thank god, I thought this crap would never end.'' y/n snorted at his words. ''where's my thanks Anton?'' she said with a chuckle. he then slapped twenty dollars into her palm. "there.'' he said with a smirk. "there's your thanks. and don't you have somewhere to be?'' y/n's eyebrows rose up. "OH SHIT.'' she thought. and the girl then ran out of Valentina's to Riff's Apartment and bolted up the stairs. "riff....'' she panted. "'' riff slammed open the door, suit on, dressed and dapper as hell. "well y/n.'' he said smiling bright, "we going to this goddamn dance or what?''

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