The Rumble pt 2

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*y/n's pov*

bernardo sticks his knife in riff's shoulder, it's not a fatal injury, but still painful. I cover my mouth with my hand as riff turns to look at everyone, tears in his eyes but still smiling. his gaze turns to me. he pulls himself toward me, putting his hand on my neck and placing our foreheads together. he still has a smile for a second, then it fades into a sad look. "it's okay." he said grimly, "take it out." I slowly but surely, take the knife out of his shoulder. he winces in agony and collapses to the floor, holding his shoulder in pain. I look up at bernardo with venom in my soul. he tried to take riff, MY RIFF, my best friend, my kindred spirit. I grab the knife from the floor, lunge toward the shark's leader, and stab him in the heart. he instantly falls to the ground. the salt shed then erupts in terror around me, jets killing sharks, sharks killing jets, I can't even look at anyone as I walk to riff and he falls in my arms, whimpering, "it hurts girlie-girl, it hurts so fuckin' bad." I take a deep breath, "I know, I know. we're gonna take you to valentina and we'll both stitch you up and you'll be good as new." riff smiled weakly. I help him up, holding him carefully, trying to not touch the shoulder that got stabbed. we slowly start walking out the shed and police sirens echo through the building. everyone starts running and trying to escape. I was so worried about riff, I didn't even know I had dropped his gun and my crowbar. after a long walk, we made it to doc's and we scurried inside. valentina hurried toward me and stopped when she saw riff. "mija, what is HE doing in my shop?'' she asked. "bernardo stabbed him in the shoulder, do you have anything that could help him?'' I replied. valentina mumbled something in spanish and pointed to a cupboard next to a framed photo. I sat riff down at a bar seat and hurried to the cupboard, opening it, and there wasn't much. just a few gauze packs and cloths, creams, and band-aids with some medical tape. I grabbed one of everything and sat next to my best friend. "this is gonna hurt, but you have to persevere through it, okay buddy-boy?'' I warned while pulled out a gauze and a cloth with some cream as well. he rolled his shirt up to his shoulder and there was a giant stab wound, bleeding heavily. I dabbed the gauze with a bit of cream, and then put it on his injury. he whimpered and groaned, obviously in a lot of pain. "y/ hurts n/n......"he said, while squeezing my hand that wasn't holding the gauze. "I know riff, I know, keep holding my hand, you're almost done." I finished cleaning the wound and wrapped it with the tape. we sat there for a while, riff still holding my hand. "y/n?'' he asked me. "yeah?'' I answered. he looked at me, examining my features. his other hand let go of his shoulder and cupped my cheek. "I'm sorry for saying this but,..............I love you." my eyes widen. Riff Lorton, my best friend, loves me?! WHAAAT. I close my eyes and take 5 deep breaths to control the butterflies in my stomach. I open my eyes and look at riff. "I love you too." I say smiling. but my smile fades. "wait, so you danced with grazi at the dance because..." "because I was too afraid to ask you." riff's cheeks lit up with a blush. my smile returns as I bring riff's face toward mine and we kiss. then, the rest of the jets burst in the shop. they turn to riff and all jump onto him in a big bear hug, "RIFFFF!" they scream happily. I join in the hug as well. we all pull away and mouthpiece smirks at me, "did you and riffy do something while we were fighting for our lives?'' we both blushed darkly. riff mumbled, "we might'a kissed, nothin' more." all the jets cheered but slowly, the happy mood faded away as everyone then remembered the events of the rumble. action turned to me, "you killed bernardo, didn't you?'' he asked. I nodded shakily, "yeah, pretty sure I did." then, tony threw open the door, and ran to his best friend, "RIFF!'' he shouted. the two hugged. the door then opened a third time. "okay, if someone opens this door one more goddamn time-" I say, then stopping myself as anita walked into the shop. she looked straight at tony, "I need to speak with you." she said gravely.

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