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D E ' L A N D O N

Dee was on the phone ordering some crack grabes and pineapples and the pickle that's covered in fruit roll up and candy.

He was getting them sent to Sage and Skeeta crib. Every since Sage had blocked him he's been trying to make it up to her.

He's been sending her flowers almost everyday and he's been texting her "I miss you " and all that sweet stuff from a text now number.

He's been trying to arrange a dinner with her so he can spoil her and allat good stuff,but she won't respond.

He's been thinking about pulling up but then he wants her to have her space because he understands on why she's upset at him

He didn't just miss her Cari did too, every since she hasn't being around he's been saying "GiGi"  trying to say Sage.

Dee didn't plan on letting Leah see Cari in a while. He felt like what she did was sooo wrong and immature. He wanted to shoot her but he didn't because she live in the suburbs so the police would've gotten there in about .5 seconds.

Cari was sitting in Dee's lap drinking his bottle while watching Cocomelon. Dee was on his phone scrolling on Instagram glancing down and Cari and now and then to make sure he's not chocking.

*some hours later in the middle of the night *

Cari woke up screaming and crying like someone was trying to kill him. Dee instantly hopped up and grabbed a bottle and tried to feed him but a Cari knocked it out of his hand and kept on crying.

Dee tried giving his Pacifier but they didn't work. Dee was lost, he didn't know what to do. He tried changing him and that didn't work either

He called Leah because maybe Jahcari missed his mom but she couldn't do anything about it because she was in another state being a hoe.

Dee sat there trying to rock Cari for about 30 to an hour and Cari still didn't stop crying.

Dee was frustrated,tired and confused, he grabbed Cari's baby bag and grabbed his phone and keys and walked out his house locking the door and buckling Cari in the backseat and getting in the front seat and driving to Sage and Skeeta crib.

Cari was still crying and screaming. Dee was rubbing his temples while driving.

"Cmon man man, why you crying ? " Dee asked Jahcari like he could understand what he was saying

Cari just kept on crying. Dee finally pulled up and got Cari and his bag out and took the key that was under the mat and unlocked the door. De'Landon shut the door and locked it back and instantly walked in Sage room and turning her light on.

Sage laid in her bed sprawled out with only a tank top and her panties, and her legs were shaped like a "4".

But she instantly hopped up after hearing Cari's cries. She got up looked around and saw a tired De'Landon she grabbed Cari and started rocking him and talking to him a soothing voice and he stopped crying almost instantly.

"Idk what was wrong, I tried to feed em, I tried to rock em, I even tried to call him momma, but it didn't calm him down, I even tried changing him" Dee said confused on what he  did wrong.

"Shhh, just lay down stink, you look tired" She told him

Dee took off his joggers leaving him in some balling shorts and he took of his shirt leaving him in his wife beater and he laid down and relaxed himself and fell asleep.

Sage held Cari and turned on her LED lights and turned them on blue and she turned her real light off and she laid in the bed and Cari laid on top of her on her chest.

Sage rubbed his back until he fell asleep completely. When she noticed that he was completely sleep she laid him in the middle of them and turned off her LED lights.

For some reason Marie went to sleep with her hearing aids in this particular night.She never goes to sleep with them in because when she wakes up the hearing aid would be somewhere else on her bed

Before Marie could go to sleep her mind wondered off to De'Landon to when he said " I even tried to call his momma but it didn't call him down" she wanted to know what he meant by that.

She didn't understand how Leah couldn't calm down her OWN full blood son, it would've only took about 30 minutes.

Sage looked down at Cari and then looked at Dee and whispered to herself with a smile " I could get used to this"

Dee made her feel so special even after what he did, he's been trying to make it up in all different kinds of ways. By sending her food at random times. Sending her money even tho she doesn't use it, flowers.

Even tho she didn't forgive him yet,she figured out that he's been texting her from the text now app, which she thought was mad funny. But she also thought it was cute and adorable. She was glad that Dee was trying because she really didn't want to cut him off.

She liked him TOOOO much, but she also knows her worth, so that's why she's not letting him play with her like that, sm he's going to learn to not play with her and he's going to learn that he's going to apologize the correct way for her to forgive him.

For her the correct way to apologize is what he's doing now,sending money, food, flowers, and random little sweet texts. He made her feel REAL good.


This is just a little fill in chapter because idk, ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS

Thoughts on Leah?

Thoughts on De'Landon?

Thoughts on Skeeta?

Thoughts on Coco?

Thoughts on Sage ?

Thoughts on Cari ?

Thoughts on Cari ?

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