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* Some days later*

Every since Sage got jumped at Walmart she cut all communication with Dee and she's been focusing on her painting and her final exam to become a teacher.

When Ahmad found out that Sage got  jumped he was beyond pissed, it caused him and Dee to get in a argument, they even shoved each other around a little.

But Dee was pissed too, he took Jahcari from Leah and got some girls he knew to jump her. De'Landon misses Sage bad, he misses her voice and just being in her presence. But he told his self that he was going to respect her wishes.

Sage felt drained, she felt like she couldn't catch a break. Between school, De'Landon, and her painting business. But she's managing through it all. All Sage really wants is to see Cari and to pass her test.

Marie is excited that she's almost done with her college course. She's going to take some months off because as soon as she got out of high school, she went right into college and that drained her real bad.

Sage was in her room moving stuff around and adding new stuff to her room. She did this almost like every month.This is one of Sage's coping skills. It helped her think about other things because when she's moving things around it's like a puzzle to her so she's basically trying to find a matching piece in each corner.

(Idk if that make sense but I'm basically trying to say is that her redesigning her room is like a puzzle because you have to put matching pieces in certain places for it to look right )

(Idk if that make sense but I'm basically trying to say is that her redesigning her room is like a puzzle because you have to put matching pieces in certain places for it to look right )

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(This is her room)

*2 hours later*

Sage sat in the chair getting her nails and toes done, she watched the woman put acrylic on her nails intensely. She wanted to make sure the woman didn't mess up her nails. She also looked down at the lady doing her toes.

Only reason why sage is out here giving herself a self care day is because Skeeta made her get out the house and sent her 6k for her nails,toes,hair, and whatever else she wanted

The ladies finished up Sage's nails and toes and she went to the back and got her eyebrows arched and then she headed to the front, and paid and left to go get her hair done.

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