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People usually misunderstand fortune-telling - if they even believe in it nowadays. They think reading the hand lines or looking into someones future is literally the act of seeing something - something that the person that comes to one of us can't.
It makes sense I guess, if you look at phrases like foreseeing something.
Very few though know that it isn't so much about the eyes - sure, they are not to be underestimated, you can read a lot with and inside of them. But frankly, fortelling someones future has way more to do with touching someones hands rather than observing them. It's really about feeling the other person and their flow of aura.
  Now, of course it doesn't always work. People just have different expectations, different auras and therefore different energy from one another. Oftentimes there's only a faintly senseable glow from the person that's coming to me - barely notable through the countless rays coming from technological devices.
Those peoples lives tend to be boring, just like their aura, so I usually tell them things they want to hear in a not-too-specific way.
Yes, like good ol' fair fraud. But the thing is, most of the time are those the ones that leave actually happy and greatful.
And then there are the others. People like me, people with strong internal energy. And more often than not I can foresee a difficult and painful road ahead of them. That's just how it is if you've got strong spiritual power. Your life has been hard and will become even harder, because your vibrant aura attracts challenges all through your time in this realm.

But what I am feeling in this moment is something completely different. My jaw clenches as images begin to flood my mind and my brain starts swhirling through my ears to the other side of the wall that was my skull.
  The other side. Outside.
I try to open my eyes, but loose sight in the process. Strangely swinging sounds suddenly split from my consciousness as I try to focus on them. As I stretch out my hands for support my body goes numb.
That is when I realise. That I am no longer in the material world, the world I grew up in, the world I used to hate for its boring emptyness, the world I always knew I would be leaving someday.
From now on, I purely depend on my spiritual sense - whenever I try to bring something to my awareness it simply ceases to exist.
  One wrong thought could end me.

Since there is no seeing, hearing, feeling - no physical matter at all - I wouldn't be able to describe what I was experiencing even if I had a century time to do so. It was just the most pure, spiritual form of being in and of itself, nothing and everything at the same time.
  After years, maybe seconds - I can't really tell since time here detracts itself from it's linear role that we material beings in the third dimension have imposed upon it - I understand the choice I have in experiencing this everything and nothing. The choice in experiencing what I am. The choice I have in experiencing who I am, where I am and even what happens around me.
  My mind slips into my awareness.

I am sure now. Somehow the reaction of my aura colliding with that of the newcomer had thrown me into a different, dreamlike dimension where my spirit is the only existing thing - therefore, making my deepest self the sole creator of my every experience, I realise that I am everything.
As my consciousness settles down into my unconscious and both dissolve into my spiritual being I start to drift away and create my own reality.
  I can feel again. And hear.

I can finally see again. And I am looking into the eyes of a person. Someone whose hands I'm holding. I recognize the energy of everything around me. The customer whose hand lines I agreed to read. My secretary in front of the tent. Thousands of people weaving into each other in a mass of physical and spiritual existance. I have never felt so much at the same time before.
  Am I a god?

I see the terror in the eyes of the customer as I take his body apart with nothing more than a thought and dissect his internals. I lift the tent without so much as moving a finger and slide through bodies and bulidings, shattering and smashing everything in my way without as little as a scratch on me.
  I am.

In this moment, I truly understand. I had discovered - uncovered - infinite power.
  A god.

I let myself go wild. I experiment with the extent of my powers, use everything the world has to offer and more to fulfill my pleasures and destroy it when there is nothing left to entertain me anymore. I speed through space faster than light as the rocks that used to be earth disperse into the blackness. I roam on the solar system, then I destroy the sun and watch the planets drift away.
Then I leave for other civilizations. The whole universe is mine. The whole universe is me.
I. Am. Everything.

Bored I sit on a meteor with a popsicle in my hand, watching the cosmos burn that I recreated at least a dozen times. Destroying it all again was usually fun.
But not this time.
This time I'm simply feeling lonely. There's nothing left for me here. At the beginning it had been great. But it looks like infinite power quickly becomes dull.
So I decide to do something different this time.

When I open my eyes again I am no longer aware of my infinite power. I feel normal, but deep inside me  I know I have it. Something that makes me special.
I look into the face of the customer. We are sitting inside my luxurious tent made of violet silk amidst the biggest festival this city has ever seen. The stern king had been talked into it by his son, a prince who already had a great reputation and was loved especially by the simple folk.
The smell of grilled food, alcohol and different wares reaches my nose. You can hear damped laughter and screams of joy mixed with music. The boy in front of me, barely older than sixteen summers from the look of it, wears rags that marked him as one of the poor. The silver coin he had given looks shiny though. As if he had found it in front of my tent and thought it destiny, he had come inside and given it to me without a word.
"I sense strong spiritual powers from you," I say to the young man. A surprised expression formes on his face. "You should work with me. I will teach you some things."
Somehow I know that this guy will be an important fellow to me in the future. I can already see us in front of my inner eye, adventuring with others through these fantastical lands, hunting for monsters and treasures on the way to becoming the strongest of the mages and warriors this world has ever seen.
And so I live as I desire it from deep within me.
Live should be like this.

As I open my eyes again, memories of my past lives are all forgotten. This time, I don't even know I have any powers. I'm just a guy who trys to make a living with lying in a world that spins faster and faster with every day.
The guy in front of me looks disappointed. "You don't have it, do you?" He says. "You're just a boring, normal human." And he turns around and leaves my shabby tent.
I just shrug and take the bill he had left. People like him usually try to argue their money back, but he left without even recieving his change. So I wasn't mad at him. Deep inside I just know  I'm made for more. That there is more to life. But I am never able to grasp it. It just feels like I am waiting to die.

As I open my eyes for the final time, I have long forgotten who I used to be. I had stopped counting my reawakenings after reaching one million.
I'm tired.
I feel the hands of another person. I look into the eyes of a man, whose face had belonged to friends, foes, strangers and corpses alike. But what I see now is not a human. Eventually, I recognize him. Eventually, I understand.
"So that's who you are."
He nods. "Are you ready?"
I smile at death as I choose to leave with peace.
I am.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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