Chapter XII

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~ Jasika's Point of View ~

As I waited for the sorceress that has been bound to me since birth I gathered my household up and also began to pack what I felt that I needed to take with me on my mission and trip. All my ladies in waiting of there being 13 not counting my main lady in waiting, my servants of which there was at least 15, my own shadows of which there were 20, and my slaves of which there were around 50 or so.

"I shall be leaving tomorrow afternoon to bring my sister Princess Aylaska Aurora Shadowmend home where she belongs." I started while watching them.

"I will be taking a few of you with me along with my sorceress. And the ones I take with me I expect to be on their very best behavior or you shall have regrets afterwards." I paused for a moment then continued. Then I paused again as my main lady in waiting came in with my sorceress.

"Throughout today and tomorrow I will narrow down who will be going and who will be staying. I will say now though that only two or four slaves will be going along." I continued pausing to watch all of their reactions closely then continued again, "So be ready to go. Even though I haven't picked out who will be going yet."

They all nodded and either said, "Yes Princess Jasika, Yes My Lady, or Yes Young Mistress." Before I dismissed them all and turned to talk to my sorceress with my main lady in waiting still in the room with us.

"You summoned me Your Highness?" Vilsora made it a question though we knew the answer out of respect.

"Yes. I need you to make strong cloaking amulets for those of us going. And I also need you to prepare because you are going as well." I said calmly.

"Yes Your Highness. How many do you plan on going with you?" Vilsora said respectfully then asked.

"10 of my shadows, you, Astel, 5 others of my ladies in waiting, four slaves maybe five, and I. So possibly 22 people all together." I said.

"Then I shall make at least 22 cloaking amulets." Vilsora said and then turned and left after bowing respectfully.

With that I began to pack with the help of some of my ladies in waiting, including Astel. And I began to pick who will be going and who will be staying.

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