I eased out of the chair to look into the mirror.

Not bad.

Not bad at all.

I looked like an entirely new person.

After paying for my piercing, along with a few aftercare products, Nora and I walked down the street.

"So, why the sudden decision to pierce your nose?" She wondered.

"I wanted a change. I needed a change." Was my answer.

"Well, it suits you." She complimented.

"I hope it will look good with my new haircut." I added.

My hair has grown quite a fair bit in the past months, reaching down to my top lip. So, as part of my 'New Me Day', I decided to get it cut. I had wanted to also get it dyed, but one thing at a time.

"Haircut?" Nora asked inquiringly.

"Yeah." I smiled, excitedly.

I don't know what it was, but ever since I woke up, I've been filled with so much energy.

"Okay, Charlie. What's going on?" She wondered. "And don't talk shit to me."

I turned and smiled at her. "Nothing. I'm fine. I feel great!"

A few people passing by turned to give me a word look. The kind of look that wondered if I was just released from an asylum. The kind of look that had judgement written all over it.

But I didn't care.

I was high on life, and I hope I would never come down.

"You're not fine." She said.

"Nora, I'm fine. Okay?"

A few steps forward, we reached the hairdressers. I walked straight in and kindly asked the first hairdresser I saw for a hair cut.

"Sure, do you have a particular style in mind?" The guy asked.

"I'd just like it to be shorter. Like, this big." I used my left thumb and index finger to measure the length of what I wanted.

"Easy, go ahead and take a seat in one of the empty chairs."

I eagerly hopped into the closest chair that was vacant.

"You ready?" The hairdresser asked me.



"Oh my god! What did you do?!" My mom started as Nora and I returned home.

My nose was pierced, and itchy. My hair was cut shorter to the length that I desired, and after a spur of the moment decision, my regular light brown hair was now dyed blond.

"Surprise?" I smiled.

"Charlie Harrington! What did you do?"

"Mom, calm down." I calmly suggested.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN? You went out an poked a bloody hole in your nose and put a bunch of chemicals in your hair, and you want me to calm down?" She fumed.

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