"You're my favouwite brother." He replied.

"Dude? I'm your only brother." I said, matter-of-fact.

He stuffed his mouth with more cotton candy, like a starved little lion cub.

"Don't eat to much, you'll be sick." I said.

"But mommy and daddy never let me eat candy!" He cried out in protest.

"Fine, I guess you can stock up on junk food while we're here."

I shoved another wad of cotton candy into my mouth, letting it melt on my tongue with a slightly fizzing sensation.

"Charwy!" Adam called out.

I turned to Adam and followed his eyeline to see Charlie and Ryan halted amidst a moving crowd, their heads whipped in our direction.

Charlie had whispered something to Ryan before he started towards us. Ryan stayed halted where he was, watching Charlie from behind.

"Hi Adam, and Ace." Charlie greeted us.

I could feel the uncomfortable awkwardness beginning to set in. I gave him a simple nod and a half smile before taking another handful of cotton candy.

"Do you want some cotton candy?" Adam asked him.

"No, but thanks for asking." Charlie smiled.

"Why don't you come over anymore?" Adam wondered.

"Uh, I don't know." Was Charlie's response.

Ryan's eyes were glued on me, intensively. Maybe he should take a picture, it would last longer.

"Acey! Can Charwy take me on the Ferris wheel?" Adam begged, poking at my arm repeatedly.

"I think Charlie's a bit busy." I looked up at Charlie, who knitted his eyebrows at me. "Don't worry, Adam. I'll take you on the Ferris Wheel." I ruffled his hair again.

"Okay? I, uh. I'd better get going?" Charlie looked at me and was quick to avert my gaze.

"Bye Charwy!"

"See ya, Adam." Charlie waved as he made his way back to Ryan.

"Are you and Charwy still friends?" Adam wondered.

I stood up and closed the lid to my bucket of cotton candy. "Do you want to go on the Ferris wheel, or not?"

Eagerly, he hopped off of the bench and we started towards the Ferris Wheel.

I needed a damn cigarette.


"You were supposed to watch him!" I fumed the second we got home.

To no surprise, my parents were awol and the house was empty. My parents pretty much lived to work.

"I was watching him! I only talked to Hailey for like a second and he was gone!" Della argued.

I slammed the almost empty bucket of cotton candy down on the nearest cabinet.

"Stop fighting!" Adam demanded, stomping his tiny shoes against the tiled foyer floor.

"Adam, go to your room." I ordered him.

"Fine." He frowned and walked dejectedly upstairs.

"I'm sorry I lost him, okay? But you could help, you know. Mom and dad are out being successful and what-not, and you're out partying, getting drunk and chain-smoking cigarettes while I'm stuck at home with Adam. It wouldn't hurt you to watch him sometimes." Della seethed.

I didn't want to admit that she made a good point, a point that made me disappointed in myself.

I sighed, reaching into the pockets of my jacket to pull my motorcycle keys out, along with my packet of cigarettes.

"Where are you going?" Adelaide wondered.

"Out!" I snapped.

"Of course, go out and have some fun!" She called out sarcastically as I slammed the door shut behind me.

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