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Hello! Welcome to the story! Please consider following my account in case of any future announcements regarding this story.
POV me writing for a dead fandom that literally no one cares about
WARNING: This book will contain; Main Character death, depression, suicide and suicide attempts, bullying, violence, detailed descriptions of the foster system, homophobia, suggestive content, and more. Please tread lightly.
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Tino pushed his blond hair away from his face and sighed, falling backwards onto the couch like a sack of bricks. His practically-non-verbal husband looked away from his book to send him a concerned glance - or at least the closest thing to it that he could muster.

"Sorry, Berwald, I've just been so stressed! That lady who was giving us the bedframes just pulled out and said that her sister needed them!" He tugged at the blue sleeves of his sweater before leaning his head onto Berwald's shoulder, "I wasn't expecting the hardest part of fostering a kid to be just trying to get the stuff they'll need!"

The taller pushed up his glasses and set down his book. He brought Tino closer and rubbed his arm softly. "It's okay... 'M sure it'll work out."

With a tired blink, Tino managed to muster enough energy to smile up at the other. "I know you're right, Ber."

Before Berwald could form any sort of reply, Tino's phone dinged loudly. He groaned a little bit and looked at the screen. Almost immediately he shot up in his place.

"What is it?" Rang the deeper voice.
"It's a seller! They're saying they'll give a bunk bed for half the price, but I have to pick it up right now!" Tino replied hastily, quickly getting up and heading towards the closet where the shoes and coats rested.
"Want me to go with you?"
"That would be great, actually! I'll probably need help carrying it all."

With a nod, Berwald stood up to grab his shoes and coat as well.

The two worked together in perfect harmony, as if their actions were a rehearsed performance. When Tino ducked down to grab their shoes, Berwald reached up to grab their coats. When Berwald removed his lighter sweater to switch it out with the heavier jacket, Tino grabbed the clothing from him without hesitation and put it on its designated coat hanger. When Tino nearly tripped over a discarded dog toy, Berwald caught him like it was a usual occurrence. When Berwald frantically searched around for his misplaced phone, Tino located it immediately and handed it to him.

When Berwald's expression immediately soured when he caught a glance of the number on his left hand, Tino didn't mention anything.

"Ready to go?"
The taller only nodded.

As they opened the door to their apartment, a look of slight panic appeared on the shorter's face as he looked up at his husband.
"Do you have the keys?" Tino asked.
Berwald nodded again, flashing the silver key in his hand.

With that, Tino began to walk down the stairs, knowing that Berwald will catch up with him soon. They lived on the fifth floor - which also happened to be the top floor - of a cute apartment complex in Kami, Finland. Sure, the stairs were a lot, but if you asked Tino, he'd say it was perfect.

The Fin waited for Berwald at the door of their shared car, since he had the keys for that too. He was left unaffected by the obnoxiously cold air and gentle flurries of snow, which were a regular part of his life.

"Let's go." Berwald spoke lowly as he approached the car door.
"Don't forget to shake off your boots if you stepped in snow! The floor guards are in the wash."


If anyone in this world hated birthdays, it was Peter.

In fact, if you asked him, he hated them more than every other person in the world. From the most dedicated Jehovahs Witness to the most bitter of old ladies, he took the number one spot without a doubt.

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