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      Thranduil takes Verena into the forest. They walked hand in hand together, smiles never leaving their faces.

"Why did you bring me here, it's still so early?" she asked

Thranduil stopped in his tracks, he gripped Verena's hands tightly, his hands were shaking a lot, and he was very nervous

"What is it?" Verena asked, confused

"Verena... Do you still remember the first time we met here, here I found a little girl eating her apple alone, and I accidentally surprised her and made her drop her apple?"

Verena nodded, she still didn't notice

“For the first time I had someone to comfort me, other than my father and Feren. For the first time I felt I had a friend who was not afraid of who I am and my status. And stupid me, I let you go, far from my sight, far from me. Five hundred That year is a short time for our kind, but five hundred years is a long time for me. The time I spent was asking myself if you would come back to me or not, asking myself if you were thinking of me, asking myself if I would ever forget you, and I never forgot you. And I promised myself never to let you go again."

Thranduil knelt "so Verena....." He took out a ring that was in his pocket Verena widened her eyes in shock "Will you be my wife, my queen, my partner, be my everything. Share sadness, happiness, sorrow, pleasure with me in this eternity? In the middle earth and in Valinor?"

Verena knelt down, she held Thranduil's shoulder "I...." she said hesitantly "I already married"

Thranduil was shocked, it felt like his world was collapsing "what? Are you married?"

Verena laughed "did you see your face?" She said, amused

Thranduil glared "what do you mean?"

"I'm just joking"

Thranduil sighed "FOR VALAR VERENA! AT A MOMENT LIKE THIS?!" Thranduil was annoyed, but he smiled with relief

Verena cups Thranduil's face, and he nods "I do" She replies

Thranduil couldn't believe what he heard "really!?"

"Yes. I will. And don't make me say it for the third time."

They both laughed, Thranduil caressed Verena's cheek gently, and kissed her softly on the lips. As they were kissing Verena giggled

"that was my first kiss" She whispered "And me too" Thranduil said

They stared at each other, Verena still cupping Thranduil's face in her hands. Thranduil brought his forehead to Verena's and they laughed happily.

"Verena... I want nothing but you" Thranduil said

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