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      Thranduil trained as usual with Feren, Meludir and Elros. And as usual, he always succeeded in making the other elves amazed, and the Maidens cheered with joy.

While resting, Elros approached him "seriously, my Prince. Don't any of those maidens appeal to you?" he asked

"No" He said, then drank the water from his bottle

But among the Maidens, the one Thranduil had been waiting for, came.

Verena came in wearing a long white dress, and a basket of food in her hand. Verena waved at him and Thranduil rushed to her

"Hey!" Thranduil says hello

"Am I late?" She asked

Thranduil shook his head "no. Not at all" He grabbed Verena's hand and led her away leaving the astonished, shocked and heartbroken Maiden.

"Who is she, my prince?" Gallion asked

"This is Verena. Don't you remember

Meludir spouted water from his mouth "Verena the apple girl?!" he asked in shock

Galion smacked Meludir on the head "WHAT A DIRTY CREATURE ARE YOU, MELUDIR!" he snapped

"I'm surprised you still remember me" Verena said

"Of course I still, you're the girl who once threw me with an apple from the tree"

Verena smiled shyly

"But now you're even more beautiful" Meludir said

Feren came up to them "who is this girl?" he asked

Verena doing curtsy "I'm Verena, my lord"

"Verena? The little girl who used to play with Thranduil?"

Verena nodded

"You're so big now. When are you coming back?"

"Last night, my lord"

"Right. Me and Verena will leave. See you later" Thranduil pulled Verena away with him

"I think soon we will have a crown princess" Galion said

"Oh old Galion, how do you know?" Meludir teased

"How old do you think I am! I guarded the wine room, even when you were a noisy elfing who loved running around the halls naked!"

    Thranduil and Verena sat on the grass, where they had always played when they were elves.

"What do you bring with you?" Thranduil asked

Verena opened the basket of food she had brought "lembas, apple pie and water" She answered

Thranduil took a piece of lembas

As Thranduil took the bread Verena noticed something on his wrist "I didn't notice last night, because it was dark, but I just realized. You are still wearing that bracelet" Verena said

"Yes. Didn't I promise to keep wearing it! So I kept it"

"Eww... That bracelet is ugly! Throw it away" Verena tried to pull the bracelet from Thranduil's wrist, but Thranduil prevented her

"NO!" He shouted "and what about you? I bet you threw those hibiscus long ago"

"Of course not!"

"Really? Where is it?" Thranduil asked in disbelief

Verena took out a circular glass pendant around her neck. "Come here" she told Thranduil to come closer "did you see any powder in the locket?" She asked

"Hmm," Thranduil nodded

"That is the powder from the flower petals you gave me. When the flower died, I crushed it"

"Crushed it?" Thranduil was annoyed

"Gently..." She whispered "And put it in this locket and since then I never took it off my neck"

Thranduil rested his head on Verena's lap "why don't you throw it away"

"Just like you, I also want to keep my promise"

They both smile

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