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Thranduil goes to Verena's house, but she doesn't seem to be there. Even the house looks empty, he saw a man passing by.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you know where this family has gone?" he asked

"The Algar family, my prince? They just left on the carriage. Probably still in front of the gate"

Thranduil nodded "thank you" With that he ran, his little legs running as fast as they could. And since for an elf he was fairly tall, it was to his advantage that he could see the carriage belonging to Verena's family

"Stop! Stop I am crown prince of Greenwood orders you to stop!"

Out of fear, the coachman stopped the carriage.

Verena got off the carriage with a shocked and doubtful face. "My Prince" she bowed

"Hey, why didn't you tell me you wanted to go!" Thranduil protested

"I'm afraid" Verena answered, doubtful

"Afraid, afraid of what?"

"You will be angry if you know I can't keep my promise, that we will be friends forever"

"In fact, with you being dishonest, makes me angry!"

Verena bowed her head "forgive me"

"Are you coming back?"

Verena shook her head "I'm not sure, maybe not"

Thranduil sighs "since you didn't say anything, I have nothing for a parting gift. But I have this" Thranduil takes out a hibiscus flower "only for you"

Verena's eyes widened "thank you my prince!" Verena then looked around herself, and she took off a red string bracelet on her hand "and I will give you this"

Thranduil took it

"Promise you will continue to wear it. And I will continue to keep this flower"

"I will continue to wear it. But the flower will die in a few days. How can you keep it" Thranduil said, doubtful

"We will see!"

"Verena.... Come here my child" her father called

"I have to go. Farewell my prince"

Verena ran towards the carriage, she climbed inside, but before she got into the carriage, she took one last look at Thranduil and waved. "Goodbye"

Thranduil waved back at her "See you Verena" And with that Verena left Greenwood.

Thranduil stood there for several hours, until the carriage that carried Verena away disappeared from his elf's sight.

And with a troubled and sad heart, he returned to the palace.

"Well I guess I'm meant to be alone forever" He whispered to himself

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