43. The Pizza Palace

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There were a bunch of notifications.

Ryan had sent a few texts.

         I'm sorry.

         I should've said something.

        Charlie, please talk to me.

Then there were texts from Clayton.

         Charlie, pls let me explain.

I didn't bother reading the rest of his texts. Instead I kept going through my notifications.

Stanley Hughes sent you a friend request.

I clicked on the notification and looked at the profile picture.

It was Stan?

The cute guy with the British accent, who Ella had set me up with, who then went back to England.

I accepted his friend request.

A minute later he messaged me.

Hi Charlie!

Hi! I responded.

How are you?

Honestly.. It's been crazy lately. I typed.

I stayed up another hour or so texting with Stan. I complained about my life, while he explained how great his was. We pretty much talked about everything.

It was nice.


"Did you have a good night?" My mother asked as I sat down for breakfast the next morning, half asleep and a tad bit groggy.

"It was great!" I lied.

"Did you crack a few beers?" Dad wondered, taking a sip of his freshly made coffee.

"John! Don't be ridiculous!" My mom smacked his shoulder.

"What happened with your face?" My mom gasped. I'm surprised it took her this long to notice.

"I fell over yesterday." I lied.

Mom ruffled my hair. "You've always been so clumsy."

Sometimes I think my mom still sees me as a little kid, like i am still her little baby boy. It's annoying.

"Do you have any plans today?" Dad asked.

"Nope." I replied.

"I was think about going fishing, if you want to come?"

I looked over at dad, confused. As long as I have known the man, which is as long as i have been alive, he has never gone fishing. Like, ever!

"You've never gone fishing before." I said.

"It's always good to try new things."

My mom laughed at that. "You don't even have fishing gear."

"Alright, no fishing."

"How about we go camping?" Dad suggested.

The thought of camping made me quiver. "How about we don't."

Dad sighed. "Fine, no camping either."

I'd forgotten that there was a bowl of cereal in front of me, and it was now all soggy. I pushed it forward and reached to pour myself a glass of OJ instead.

"What if we go out for dinner tonight? I hear there's a new sushi restaurant across town, I wouldn't mind checking it out." My mom sat down next to dad.

"Yuck." I almost hurled at the thought of raw fish and rice rolled up decadently.

"You don't have to eat sushi, I'm sure they have other options." My mom said, taking a sip of her chai latte.

Oddly, I liked the smell of Chai, just not the taste.

"Great idea Harper, I hear they have really good Ramen."

I groaned out loud. "Can we just go out and get pizza or something?"

"I guess we could find a nice pizza place." Dad said.

"Yes!" I beamed. "There's a good pizza place across town, it's called The Pizza Palace, and there's a sick arcade next door." I explained.

"Ooooh, remember when we used to go to the arcade when we were young?" My mom spoke to my dad.

"I remember beating you at all the games." Dad laughed.

"Quit lying John!" Mom gasped, smacking dad on the shoulder again.

"Pizza then arcade sounds great." Nora said, announcing her presence.

All I wanted to do today was forget about my problems, which included the whole Nora and Clayton thing, the Ryan knowing about them thing, and the epic disaster that was my seventeen birthday.

I guess I could play nice for a few hours.


The pizza arrived at our table almost half an hour after we ordered it, along with a side of curly fries and spicy wings.

"This looks amazing." Mom stated. I nodded in agreement before eagerly taking the first slice of pizza.

"Next year, can we just do this for my birthday?" I asked.

"You'll be eighteen next year, don't you want to throw a big party and get drunk?" Dad asked, causing my mom to smack him in the shoulder again.

"Would ya stop hitting me, Harper?" He groaned.

"Don't go putting ideas in his head." Mom warned.

"Oh come on, we were partying when we were younger than him. He's growing up."

"Eat your pizza, John."

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