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A very short Prologue to get things started. I recommend reading it to get some context for the next chapters, as I've made some changes to the original game story and since we're starting in a brand-new year. 

(C/N)'s eventful year in Hogwarts had come to an end... Much had happened in that year, but she was now even more excited about the next year.

She had spent most of her summer holiday in Professor Figs little cottage he had bought a while back for his wife's studies. It was located in a small hamlet just south of Hogwarts. 

But since his wife's tragic passing, it just lays around empty, so he didn't mind letting (C/N) stay there. And after a bit of begging and a lot of explanation, Sebastian and Ominis had joined her. Ann had kept her promise to Sebastian and hasn't spoken or seen him since that fateful moment in the tomb.

Her pain was so great that she could hardly walk any more. It took a long time for Sebastian to accept the fact that he may never see his twin again. It brought great comfort to him when he heard that Fig sent her to a lovely Home where she could spend her days in relative comfort and with the best care.

The cottage was small, but it had plenty of room for the three to live in harmony. Professor Fig hardly ever stopped by due to his busy schedule preparing for a new year as a teacher, but the teens just looked at that as an amazing benefit. They mostly spent their days exploring the region and stopping by Hogsmeade from time to time.

But not everything was always peaceful. One could still feel a rising and aggravated tension between Sebastian and Ominis. After what happened last year with Sebastian learning and actively using the Unforgivable Curses, he felt a large bit of trust he had for his best friend slip away. 

(C/N) had her worries as well, but the hurt and pain in Sebastian's eyes whenever someone mentions anything about family reassured her enough that he regretted everything he had done. Not to mention what she herself had done... She wasn't exactly an innocent little flower herself.

She had helped him and even encouraged him to go down this path. Hell, she had even learned all three curses. It just didn't feel fair towards Sebastian to blame him for everything when she had such an actively huge role to play in it as well. She had spent many nights comforting a weeping and heartbroken Sebastian. (C/N) couldn't bare to leave his side.

Those long and painful nights formed a strong bond between the two Students. They understood each other's pain and could comfort it with just their presence. (C/N) couldn't help but form a special connection to this Wizard. With only a year of knowing him, he had already claimed a large portion of her heart and there was no sign of him ever giving it back.

Unnoticed to her, she had also stolen a large piece of his shattered but healing heart.

Ominis, even though he did partake in a few excursions with them, tried to keep his distance from the pair. He was grateful that he didn't need to go back to his family, but it didn't feel right spending time with Sebastian anymore. He still respected him as a wonderful and great friend who had helped him many times and had given him a place to belong, he just couldn't face him. Even if he didn't see Sebastian's broken soul through his eyes, he sure as hell felt it, and his pain mixed with his own was too much for even him to bear.

Now surely but steady, it was beginning to be time to return to Hogwarts for their 6th year of school. The chances of everything going well were very low, but with the new and strong connection between(C/N) and Sebastian. (C/N) had never felt so excited to spend a year close to someone they adored and loved. Now all they had to do was prepare.

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