"Um, I was at rehearsal?" She scoffed, still not sitting down.

"I know what you did, Rachel. You're crazy." Kurt said, ignoring us.

"Oh my god, are you serious? You already heard about that?" Rachel groaned, finally sitting with us.

"Wait what did you do?" I asked, my eyes wide and they both looked at me like I was stupid.

"Sami, how did you not know? The gossip chain at NYADA is the most efficient part of the school. Rachel dropped out." Kurt scoffed and I choked on my drink.

"Rachel, no!" I gasped, my hand flying over my mouth. I guess I've been spending too much time around Blaine, his dramaticness was rubbing off on me.

"Calm down. Don't judge me, it was the right thing to do." She shrugged, pouring herself a glass of water.

"How could you say that? Two years ago, you would've done anything possible to force your way in about school and now you're just gonna quit?" Kurt asked, and I just sat there in between the two, watching them go at it until Rachel stood up.

"Screw you, Rachel." Kurt said, and that was her breaking point.

"Sami? Are you on his side?" She snapped, looking at me, since I had been silent the entire argument.

"I'm not on anyone's side. You both make very valid points, and I just want to eat." I shrugged, and she stormed out.

"God, I wish I was 21." Kurt sighed after a while of silence, staring at the waiter bring the table next to us a bottle of wine.

"Why was it easier to get drunk in high school?" I joked, drinking my water, but Kurt didn't find the joke as funny.

"I'm gonna take off, my appetites gone." He sighed, standing up.

"Lame. I'll see you at the critique tomorrow then." I groaned, and walked out with him, but we had to go separate ways, since he lived with Cameron in Williamsburg. I waited on the curb for a taxi for over 5 minutes, and not one came to me. I was in Brooklyn at 9pm, how was there not a single taxi?

I eventually gave up, and started to walk home despite Blaine's words. I took a shortcut we always use, and I suddenly heard screaming. I looked down an alley, to see two guys beating someone up, and calling him slurs. I looked for a second, seeing if there was anyone around to help because let's be honest, I wasn't the best person to be in a fight, but there wasn't.

I ran towards the men, and pushed one off of the guy on the ground. I recognized them to be the guys who drove past Blaine and I last night. The guy ran away, while one of the men got off the ground, and the other one grabbed me. He started punching me furiously, and no matter how hard I kicked, and fought back, I couldn't get out of his grip on my arms. After a while, my vision was incredibly blurry, and the one holding me dropped me on the floor, and I blacked out.

I woke up in the hospital, my vision still a little blurry but I wasn't in pain, probably from the pain killers they definitely had me on. I was getting major deja vu from this whole experience. It was exactly like when I woke up from my accident, down to the exact way Blaine was sleeping in a chair next to me, his grip on my hand still tight even when asleep. I squeezed his hand and he woke up instantly.

"Sam. Thank god." He sighed, reaching out to grab my face, but quickly diverted his hand to my shoulder.

"I'm okay." I smiled as much as I could, and he broke into tears.

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