A merrily conclusion.

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We were both sitting there, breathless. None of us said anything, we just stared at the ceiling and smiled in pure bliss and irreplaceable silence. I thought of the time Joey and I had sex and how terrible it was. I thought that maybe if I told Johnny he wouldn't have to be so worried about our current argument we just left for sex.

"You're way better than him you know, than anyone I've ever been with", I said, breaking the silence. I was still staring at the ceiling.

"What do you mean?" He asked, turning his head to me.

"I mean...it's not the same, the sex. So there's nothing to worry about", I reassured.

"I know that, but if I don't fight for you, how will you know you're mine?" He asked, looking at me longingly.

My eyes grew to what he just said, I'm his? I was shocked to hear that after he literally drove me away without any explanation whatsoever. I had to chase him, run after him and then he comes to his senses when he sees me with another man?

"Say something", he whispered, grabbing hold of my hand.

"I had to chase you, Johnny. You threw me away and I ran after you like a lost dog", I said, looking at the ceiling again.

"How will I know you won't to that again?" I asked, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"I was a coward, I couldn't bare seeing you cry if I ever told you our tour was over. But now I realized that I'd always be the bad guy no matter what path I chose. I thought this was the easier path but it only ended in heartbreak", he explained, his eyes glistening with tears.

Even though I was so mad at Johnny, every word he says sounds like poetry. His mouth spews art and I could hear him speak all day and never get tired.

"I didn't realize that, Johnny. I failed to put myself in your shoes. And you're not the bad guy...
I- I forgive you and please forgive me", I begged, looking at him with hope and plea in my eyes.

He raised my hand with his and kissed the top of my knuckles, he smiled longingly, almost lovingly.

"I forgive you".

"You never answered my question", he reminded, giving me a knowing look.

"What was the question again?" I asked, smiling amusingly at my demented brain.

He smiled and sat up, he sat back down in front of me on one knee and placed his hand on my naked thigh.

"Will you be mine, Johanna?" He asked, grabbing my hand.

I felt my lips quiver and my legs begin to shake. He was so romantic, my heart was so moved and I was so incredibly happy when he asked me that.

"Yes, of course I will", I answered, wiping my tear.

He smiled widely and began taking off one of the silver rings he had on.

"This is a promise ring, a promise that we'll start being loyal to each other and always love each other unconditionally", he explained, holding it.

I nodded my head in understanding as I watched him slip it on my finger. I got so happy that I jumped in his arms and kissed him. He kissed back and I felt him smile through the kiss.

"I love you, Johanna", he whispered, his arms around my waist.

That was the first time he said that, my heart felt like it was gonna explode with all this romantic shit happening right now.

"I love you too, Johnny", I said, kissing him again.

It's officially official, we are now girlfriend and boyfriend.

Eww :)

The end.

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