Miho: yep. Why?

Hibari: i have one too


Leo: so are other school carriers coming?

Hana: yes many are coming

Aimu: i learned about alice her tactics can prove a huge help

Ginrei: how's her tatics will help us?

Miho: good idea her tactica are ninja like

Ikaruga: i agree with ms Miller. Myself & hibari as seen how powerful she is, ninja not. Shimada style rivals nishizumi style (not brute strength like hoffman's family style) her teachings can......

Leo: we know you renta has a enemy

Miho: my husband shot him in the head after discovery his dark secrets that's less than a decade ago

Asuka: oh. How long you been married

Hoffman: how long as it been?

Miho: 5 years

Yagyu: you lived a healthy life

Miho hold hotshots hand

Hana: i'll send this whole info to all other schools. No pat security & all girl school ship security is already a thing. Please allow no pat to fight along side yoma are a shinobi blood product they eat people no pats are known to be field fighters. Shoot no questions ask

Asuka: i have a boyfriend whose a former soldier

Mako: why are you so tall?

Asuka: classifed

Asuka & miho stood up they shook hands. Miho shook hands with leo too.

Asuka: you can read your opponents moves even though its unintentional. Defeating that delinquent with a bow. You might have potential become shinobi

Miho: that will be cool. I don't kill

Katsuragi about to grope Miho from behind until she turn around punched the perv in the stomach. She collapsed on the ground holding her stomach.



Hoffman: wtf when did jessica simpson started moving?

Yukari: you were trying to grope her?. Have you lost you mind

Miho: these belong to hotshots. Not you. Next time you do that again

Pull out a glock aimed at her.

Miho: im going to kill you

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Miho: im going to kill you

Hibari thought: what happened to i Don't kill?

Katsuragi ran away scared yagyu & Ikaruga laughing on the floor.

Miho: we have a deal. Sailor students escort them so they won't get lost

alice will be good teaching to these shinobi.


GUP 2042: kagura CompletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin