The girl who wondered part 2

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Part 2


Ash stood at the crossroads, a place no one should be. The fog was thick and dense and breathing made his lungs ache like they would if he was drowning. He was scarce just a boy at age 15 making a mistake that he would never fix. He sucked in a deep breath of the dense air and exhaled slowly, waiting for the woman to arrive. It was 1949 and he had watched a war go by wishing he could fight, but ash was just a boy so he knew he could not. He felt cold all of a sudden and turned around to see the woman standing behind him. "Hello Ash" She said in a voice as smooth as silk and soft as down. Ash could not find the words to speak so he just starred helplessly at the beautiful woman who was in fact not a woman at all. "You called boy" She said smiling in such a way that Ash could only feel frightened. "I want to make a deal." He said in a flat monotone voice. She tilted her head to the side still smiling "You could show me a little respect, boy, after all I came all the way from hell just to answer you." He starred at her trying to hide how scared he really was. "Fine boy what do you want?" She said frustrated. "I want to live and not age for 300 years." He said sternly. "Boy what could you possibly give me that is worth 300 years? After all I come to shorten live not to extend a persons youth." Ash leaned into her and whispered into her ear "Yes well that's not a good enough deal boy so you might want to add in a little extra on the side."

"Fine you get my childrens souls too."

"Sounds perfect." She said he voice like a serpent's "300 years it then." And with that she stabbed her nail into his chest and drew a symbol that ash could not recognise.

"The deal has been sealed. There is no backing out now boy, you will have that scar as a reminder for what you have promised me."

"I should not forget m'lady." And with that Ash was standing alone in the centre of the crossroads wondering what was going to come next.

Ash woke breathing heavily from his nightmare. He looked across the room to make sure Arya was alright and he sighed. The child never stirred when she slept, that's how it had always been. He tried to push his dream aside but when he looked to the corner of the room he saw her, The woman who was not a woman at all smiling at him. Ash couldn't do anything he just starred at her and then she spoke "Do not forget what you have promised me." She hissed and walked over to Arya. She traced along he hairline and around her lips and nose. "She is so pretty too. What a shame she only has 4 years left." The scar on his chest felt like it was burning "You can't" he whispered "Shes to precious to take away."

"should've thought of that when we made the deal shouldn't we." She winked and climbed out the window, but before she left she looked him in they eyes and said "Remember ash these are the conditions you came up with." Once again she was gone. The woman who was not a woman at all, with her hair like the finest of chocolates and her skin like porcelain. The woman he wished he could forget. He took a long look at Arya and prayed to the lord he could help him, but he knew his prayers could not be answered. 

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