The Hot Date(Valentine's Day Special)

605 21 7


It contains:

My Au
Other Ships



I woke up from a pretty decent sleep. The scorching sunlight reflected in the blinds and birds were singing their usual melody, it was like every morning I despise. Can you blame me though? I am the King of Negativity and the only thing I want to be surrounded by is darkness and the loneliness of souls. If this day were going to be like every other dull day, it wouldn't be that bad, I guess. I get up from the coziness of my bed and put on a pretty formal outfit like I always wear, even if I'm most of the hours inside my office. In short, my daily morning routine is grabbing my steamy black coffee because I cannot function without chugging 2-3 cups of that stuff every morning, and then going straight to my work. I thought to myself about the distractions my team and I had caused so far with a proud face. As I turned the doorknob and slid the door forward with me following just behind it, I felt something soft drop on top of my skull and then it became more and more till I was drowned in them. While I was trying to get these foam hearts off of me, I heard giggling and laughing. Of course, it came from my three idiots, Killer, Dust, and Horror. I sighed in frustration and coughed to get their attention. "What's with all these hearts today?" I asked calmer than I usually do. When Killer succeeded in restraining himself he looked back at me and replied: "Today is Valentine's Day and we wanted to prepare you a morning surprise~." Wait today was Valentine's Day?! This particular day was the most that I hated. Everybody celebrates love and happiness, disgusting! I then head towards my office without speaking and closed the door behind me. I guess no coffee today... I took a deep breath and sat on my chair to begin working on some more papers.


I think we went too far... This harmless prank really pissed Nightmare off a lot... If we tried to apologize now he will kill us. "Did that really piss him off?" Dust asked. "I guess so..." I answered. "So, do you guys have valentine's dates?" I asked. "Yes." They both answered at the same time. I think I know who they are but I wanted to ask anyways. "Who's the lucky one, Horror?" I said playfully. He got a bit flustered but he answered. "It's Lust..." "What about you Dusty? Who's the unlucky one?" I teased. Dust first looked at me with an annoyed look. "Well, Blue isn't someone that tends to be unlucky, I would say it's quite the opposite," he answered while staring directly at me. I turned around defeated while still staring at him. As I stepped out of the conversation, I was thinking that I still don't have a date... Uhh! I would ask my Boss to be my Valentine but I know that he will reject me and probably choke me until I can't breathe or something along those lines. Well, I guess I have to spy on my friends again... 

No one'sPOV:

Killer opened a portal reviling the anti-void. He sneakily went in and quickly ran to the nearest hiding spot. Because the anti-void was a blank space his only safe place was behind Error's bean bag. He succeeded in running unnoticed. After that, he heard a portal open. The monster who was exiting the portal was Error with something in his hand. It had a shape of a heart and it looked like it contained small chocolates. Luckily for Killer, Error didn't sit at his bean bag. The black skeleton decided to open its gift, standing up. When he took a glance inside the box he blushed. The small chocolates were shaped like a face, Ink's face. Ink handmade them to look like him for Error. Error loved chocolate so the inky skeleton had decided to combine two things he loved together. Killer in the background was trying to take a picture of that moment for his reasons(blackmailing~).  When he successfully did it, he quickly opened a portal, which alerted the other skeleton, and ran inside it. After he escaped Error, he had to go to his other friends, without seeing him. Next up was Horror. After a few minutes of wandering, he finally spotted him, standing in front of a door. Horror waited at the door, holding Lust's favorite flowers and a gift. He was wearing something formal for a change. The door opened with Lust behind. Lust smiled when he saw the monster that was in front of him. The cannibal smiled back at him. "Come in~," Lust said. Horror followed behind and closed the door. Killer, on the other hand, was a bit surprised. At first, he thought they would go somewhere outside but turns out his expectations were wrong. He now had to spy on them through a window. As he got close to the house he realized that all the windows were covered with blinds. "Damn it!" Killer cursed out. As he was about to retreat he heard moaning(😏). He thought that he needed to leave them alone, he didn't want to witness the moment. Next is his best buddy Color. Color didn't have luck dating until he met Epic. They both had a feeling that they were perfect for each other and now they are in a relationship. Killer couldn't find Color anywhere he looked so he decided to call him. Color had just arrived at Epic's place. He and Epic were cuddling on the couch watching a romance movie. Epic first suggested taking the date to the other level, sex, but Color rejected his idea. As Epic moved his lover closer to him, Color's phone rang. Color let go of Epic to reach his phone. When he had the phone in his hands he went back to Epic and picked it up. 

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