I walked over and sat beside her on the opposite side of the couch, I looked toward the TV and saw she was watching one of her animes with her eyes not even fully open, just listening to the English voice actors inside the TV. "Are you uh...you watching this?" She nodded as she ate another orange slice. "Okay...cool..." And awkward silence. Sunny and I don't usually talk or hang out but with Raven being gone usually for the weekends, we've gotten somewhat closer while also growing an awkward distance between the two of us.

I pulled out my phone and checked my work email for anything when I ended up getting another message from Raven which made me feel nothing but anxious when I saw it pop up on my notifications. I know we have a lot to talk about and I know I need to apologize for what happened between me and Gold. It was just for the camera and I know it wasn't something we talked about that would happen in my job but I do want to say I'm sorry. Text me back when you can okay? I still love you.

It was those words that made me feel both numb and exhausted already. The incident between her and Gold Stream was that during an interview the crowd started chanting for them to kiss even though it was obvious that she was against it but did it anyway. She didn't slap him and he didn't take me into account for what happened but I made them both realize that this wasn't something she talked to me about. I think any man seeing his girlfriend kiss her boss would feel angry and upset that neither of them felt bad because it was "for business reasons" that they kissed. I ignored the message when I felt a sudden weight hit me to my right. "Wha happan~" Sunny said taking another orange slice and eating it. "Oh, nothing Sunny. You don't have to worry about it." "Mmm..." She then ate another orange slice.

Sunny was one of the first ones to find out about Gold and Raven kissing. She was working that day and I was at a bar. I didn't want to go home yet because I could still feel all my emotions still running wild and I didn't want to go and do something only an idiot would do so I sat back and had a nice drink to myself for a while. It wasn't until nearly 3 or 4 am that someone finally came looking for me. Sunny left me a few texts and two calls while Raven didn't even bother to message me so that was just more salt that was added to the wound. Sunny managed to sober me up a little and even get me home. Sunny ended up bringing me back home and somehow managed to get me inside without me throwing up or anything like that. She tried her best to get me into her room and she'd sleep on the couch because I didn't want to sleep with Raven that night but I ended up on the couch while Sunny and Raven fought because Sunny helped me undress and get comfortable. It was a lot of things that just didn't help the night morning too. I had a massive hangover and I woke up to Raven screaming at me for being mad and upset instead of talking to her but...I couldn't talk with her. She hurt me in a way that...that I just couldn't forgive at that moment. Sure she's messed up in the past and so have I, I'm not an angel nor am I a perfect human being. I'm a man, a man who's messed up plenty of times in the past.

I just stared forward at the TV as Sunny munched away on her orange slices but she ended up finally running out of oranges and started abusing me with that bowl. "Mmm! Open!" She lifted the bowl above her head and continued to hit me gently on the shoulder when she ended up falling over and landing in my lap. "Ah, s-sorry Sunny." I started to get up when she just went limp on me. She set the bowl down and rested. "Uh...S-Sunny?" "Mmm...eepy..." She quickly started snoring with me now being trapped there. The sleepless night last night didn't help but the warmth coming from Sunny reminded me of how Raven used to sleep in my lap. It brought comfort but a deep depression with it. The warmth was a comfort and knowing it was Sunny kind of did bring an ease to me and I ended up drifting off to sleep.

I slowly woke up to the afternoon glow. I don't know if it was the early afternoon or late afternoon but that was the best nap I've taken in a very long time. I woke up to Sunny still lying in my lap, peacefully sleeping. I felt more at ease now, well rested, and the feeling of a bunch of weight taken off me. It felt nice to feel at peace for once. I could hear Sunny groaning and turning over in her sleep. I didn't move her or shake her at all as she turned over and slowly opened her eyes to see me. "Mmmm...good mornin'..." She sleepily said like usual. I kind of chuckled to myself a little as I patted her head. "Morning Sunny." She grabbed my hand in those soft and tiny hands of hers. "Did you sleep good?" She asked, I nodded. "Yeah, I guess I did." "Ah...that good then..." It looked like she was going to sleep again, I wanted to get up and enjoy my weekend when I felt her tiny hands move over my jeans. "S-Sunny?" She didn't respond.

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