||Chapter 1 ||Rescuing an Enemy||

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A/N: this is mainly written through the perspective of Shadow (and sometimes Sonic's). A note will be made if it is to switch. Anyways, enjoy :D



It had been months since my last attack on Sonic The Hedgehog. I told him that I would be back, though I'm yet to follow through with my words. Pondering new ideas to take down that blue egomaniac hasn't gotten me anywhere. It seems as though every idea I have always have some kind of flaw, as long as Sonic has those annoying friends of his I don't think there's any possible way of defeating him. So over time I just decided wasting my time trying to put a stop to that blue hedgehog wasn't worth it anymore, I have nothing to prove to him or myself. I'm the ultimate lifeform after all. Besides Sonic and his friends stop Eggman from taking over the village which also keeps him away from me. Normally I find large confidence boosts from people telling me how "great" I am, but from Eggman, it's just annoying. At first, things were nice, not having to worry about anything was great. But recently life has become boring and I feel as though I don't have much of a purpose anymore, until one day I heard a commotion from the village. This was usually normal but things seemed to be going on longer than usual, Sonic's team can usually stop Eggman in 20 minutes tops. But this had been going on for at least an hour, it certainly piqued my interest so I thought I would check it out. I made my way over to the village poking my head around a boulder to not give away my presence. I was shocked at what I saw. Eggman had Sonic in the claws of some large robot he had created whilst his friends lay injured on the floor around him. Had Eggman actually won? No, that couldn't be possible, I'm sure Sonic or his brainy two-tailed fox friend had an idea. I left the site, going back to doing whatever I was doing before, which wasn't really anything. Just sitting around trying to think of something to do. I'll admit, my life is pretty pathetic but it's better than continuously being stopped by Sonic and the rest of his team. I was about to head back to the cave I was currently claiming as 'home' when I heard someone calling out Sonic's name in a defeated and upset tone. I rushed back to the village this time not caring much if I was spotted. Eggman was retreating to his lair, Sonic still in the claws of his robot. I looked over to his friends who looked even more injured than before. Eggman must have had some help, or at least some inspiration to be able to do something like this, he's nowhere near as coordinated and skillful to actually capture Sonic. Getting back to what's currently happening, I don't care for Sonic's wellbeing, not one bit. I wouldn't care less if Sonic was in the most excruciating pain ever. But if that hedgehog is put out of work and is no longer able to stop Eggman then there's a problem. His friends were clearly unable to assist him so I guess I'm the only one in this pathetic village actually capable of helping Sonic, not because I wanted to, but because I knew I had to.

Resentfully, I followed Eggman toward his lair quickly zooming through the entrance door before it closed. I hid behind the wall as Eggman made some sort of speech about how he'd finally beaten Sonic, Sonic throwing in a painfully annoying joke here and there. He just couldn't take anything seriously even when his life could be at stake. Eggman trapped the hedgehog in some kind of forcefield laughing and then left to get lunch. Seriously, what kind of villain even is he? I heard Sonic sigh and fall to his knees, had he really given up? One thing I know about Sonic is his determination to fix whatever was happening, it was one of his most annoying qualities. I stepped out from behind the wall and began walking over to him, "Giving up already?" I stopped a few feet away from where he was being held and folded my arms. "Shadow?! What are you doing here? Are you working with Eggman again? Is that how he finally managed to capture me?" He asked, his tone changing with every question. I wasn't going to answer all those questions so I answered the most simple one. "I'm here to help you escape," I said gritting my teeth. I never thought I'd ever say that to this blue idiot. "Yeah right, as if you'd ever help me" He looked at me confused "As much as I don't want to help you, you're one of the only people capable of keeping Eggman at bay, but if you don't want my help-" I began but was cut off "Wait! no- I actually do need help. I think one of those buttons deactivated this" He pointed at Eggman's desk. I began searching around for something that looked like a release button, my finger was hovering over a few buttons. It could be any of them, how was I supposed to know which one? My thoughts were cut off by Sonic's piercingly annoying voice yelling "Shadow! Watch out!!". I quickly spun around to see Dr. Eggman. "Great," I said sarcastically. "Great to see you too Shadow! Did you see, I caught Sonic! Pretty cool right!" I could tell how desperate he was for my approval. I rolled my eyes "I couldn't care less" folding my arms as my gaze headed toward the ground. "Oh uh- yeah totally! It isn't cool until I actually kill him, right bud?" He nudged my arm with his elbow as if we were friends. I didn't respond, I just stared at him angrily. There was a moment of awkward silence. "Say! How about you watch over Sonic and make sure he doesn't escape whilst I go and destroy the village, teammate??" He smiled hopefully. He really was sickening. "Fine," I said quickly "Great! So this means we're a team right?!" "I don't do teams, Dr" "Oh yes, of course". I looked back at all the buttons. "So, how do you work this contraption?" I asked. "Oh that's easy! That blue button activates the forcefield and that red one disables it". Seems easy enough, but then again this is Eggman's tech. "Alright". Eggman quickly took off. "Are you not worried about the village?" I turned to Sonic to ask him. "Not really, my friends can handle Eggman. He's not much of a threat without his big robots, and they're all low on energy after that big battle soo, y'know" I didn't respond, I didn't feel the need to. "I guess I'll free you now then" I eventually said as I began searching for that red button, but as I was about to press it I heard two grating voices. "Hey it's Shadow!" "And he's trying to free Sonic! Stop him!". I look over to see those dumb robot henchmen Eggman has. I scoffed and pressed the button the forcefield began to lower. The red robot leaped at me but I dodged it swiftly, although I didn't know about a cable Eggman had connected to his desk, I foolishly tripped on it. I felt so stupid, but as if things couldn't get worse that other yellow, cube-shaped robot pushed me into the trap Sonic was in. Looks like he hadn't managed to escape yet. I was about to get out but then that red robot quickly pressed the blue button trapping us both in the forcefield. "Great Work Cubebot!" "You too! Eggman will be so proud of us!". My eye twitched in frustration. This couldn't be happening..



From the Author:

Heyy! Thanks for reading so far! I've only checked through this chapter a few times so there may be a few grammatical or spelling mistakes. Feel free to point them out if you spot any! The next chapter should be expected to come out at least before Sunday. If not I apologize! Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye!

-Ace :D

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