38. Body Language

Start from the beginning

"What?" His eyebrows knitted together.

"Nothing, I am just surprised." I answered honestly.

His curious facial expression turned into a smirk. That annoying smirk with a hint of mischief.

"What's your idea?" I asked.

"Coca Cola and mentos."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed at him, returning to my work.

"What's wrong with that?" He wondered.

"We need to have the best science project! Not some crappy idea that involves a four dollar bottle of cola and mentos!"

"Okay." He clicked his pen.

I tried to block out the sound of the clicking pen and focus on my work.

"What about... chemistry?" The word rolled enticingly off of his tongue.

"Do you even know anything about chemistry?"

"Sure." He stated. "Chemistry is energy." He explained, his voice calm and soft. "It's body language. When your heart rate rises meteorically."

Like mine was right now.

"It's electricity coursing in your veins." He continued. "Ever felt butterflies in your stomach?"

I nodded. I was feeling them right now, fluttering around inside me.

"That's chemistry."

I fought drooling all over my work. If it wasn't for Ace's incessant pen clicking, I might have.

I snatched the pen from him and smacked it down on the desk.

"Can you please stop with that clicking!" I snapped.

Everyone in class stared at me.

"Everything okay, Charlie?" Mrs Dandry asked concernedly.

Great, another embarrassing and public outburst.

"Yes, I'm okay. Sorry Mrs Dandry."

The teacher continued with the lesson as I continued to do my work.

"Maybe we should do a baking soda volcano, you'd both have a lot in common." He clicked his pen twice, just to annoy me.

I backhanded him in the arm.

"Ouch!" He shouted in a whisper.

"I told you to stop clicking the pen." I warned quietly, as not to upset Mrs Dandry.

He smirked at me, slowly clicking the pen again.

Smug idiot!

I punched him in the arm, hoping that it hurts like hell.

He gasped, a shocked look spreading across his face before he punched me in the arm.

I grimaced as his fist connected with my arm. "Ow!"

"Doesn't feel nice, does it?"


"God, Tommy looks so hot in a jersey." Ella practically drooled from beside me. "Don't you agree?"

We were sitting on the bleachers watching the football practice during lunchtime. Clayton had disappeared, no doubt to go and hook up with his mystery lady.

"Are you asking me if i think your boyfriend is hot?" I reached my hand into a packet of Cheetos and shoved a handful in my mouth.

"Yes, rate him out of ten."

This was beginning to feel weirdly uncomfortable.

"Uh, maybe a six." I said after thinking it over for a minute or two.

"A six? Are you blind?"

I chuckled. "Fine, maybe a six point five."

Ella just tsked. "Alright, what would you rate Benji Healy?"

I gave her a look that pretty much said 'who in the nine circles of hell is Benji Healy?'

"The guy standing next to Tom."

I looked over to see a familiar face. He was buffed and also had a mullet, which I found to be revolting. He was also one of Joey's sidekicks.

"Minus a hundred." Was my answer.

"Definitely." Ella giggled.

I shoved another handful of Cheetos in my mouth.

"What about Ace?" She wondered.

I spotted Ace on the field. I admit, he looked good in a jersey. Like, really good. The way the jersey clung to his perfectly sculptured body. And the pants were tight.

It was also the first time he wore anything other than the color black.

I watched as he brushed a hand through his damp chocolate hair, paused in the middle of the field, out of breath.

I think I may like football now...

"Charlie!" Ella snapped me back to reality.


"Rate Ace." She ordered me.

"Uh, I don't know." I said.

My eyes drifted back to him as he kicked the ball into the air.

What my eyes should have done was follow the ball, rather then remain on Ace.

Because the next thing I knew, the football smacked me in the face.


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