Part 2 - Flirting

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It's been a while since I was alone at home. And I have the time to have some alone time. But a small part of me is missing Danny. But tonight, I will have fun with my besties. It's been a long time since I had fun and I will enjoy this night out.

I decided to wear something comfy, not too sexy. My main purpose is to have fun, not to end up in a stranger's bed.

I wear some black mom jeans and a blue corset-top. I applied some light make-up and I'm ready to go. I pack my purse with some tissues, my lipstick, some cash and my phone. I grab my keys and I leave outside, where my cab is waiting already.

Half an hour later, I arrive in the pub where me and my girlfriends used to have fun. I pay my driver and I get inside the pub. I go to our booth and I find everyone there: Mia, Olive, Jamie and Riley.

Mia: "Hot mummy in the way!"

Olive: "Did she even went through a divorce?"

Jo: "Haha, very funny."

Riley: "Hi, girl!" They hug me and I sit down next to them.

Jo: "I'm officially divorced, a free woman, but with a lot of obligation."

Jamie: "But you have to have fun. You have to find someone."

Jo: "And I will, but not now. I want to take care of my kid and to improve my work. But I promise Liam that I will find happiness. And I will, I promise."

Mia: "You can't ask love when to come, so expect to find it soon. I'm sure Liam wants you to be happy."

Jo: "Yes, he does. But I think it's too soon."

Riley: "Maybe it's better in this way. Let's hope Danny won't suffer."

Jo: "He was so patient and understanding when we told him what's happening. It's like he is an adult, but he's almost five years old. He's amazing and I'm sure he will grow nice and good even if me and his father are apart."

Mia: "That's good. Where is he now?"

Jo: "He's with Liam. They are having some father-son time. Danny will stay with him this week. Liam is amazing."

Jamie: "He really is and you two will do a good job with Danny, even if you are separated."

Jo: "Now, let's stop talking about me and my divorce, and let's talk about your life."

Riley: "Me and Grace are going to start IVF!"

Mia: "Oh my! Congrats!"

Jo: "Wonderful news!"

Olive: "So... our gang will be broke by the end of the year."

Riley: "No, we will just see each other less. We're adults and we're ready to make our families. Look at Jo, she had a husband and a baby, but she always made time for us. So, everything will be fine."

Jo: "We will be the same. You don't have to worry."

Jamie: "I also have some news... I think Dean wants to propose me. I... I found a small box in his nightstand. And we're going on a city break and I suppose that's where he will propose."

Riley: "Oh my! We're happy for you!"

Olive: "Don't forget to show us the ring after he propose."

Jamie: "I will."

Mia: "Let's order some cocktails and let's have fun!"

Mia goes to make the order and when she's back with our drinks, we take a sip and we go to the dance floor where we have fun like old times. After a few songs and two strong cocktails and three shots, I decide to take a break, so I walk to the bar to buy a bottle of water. I've had enough alcohol.

"A beautiful girl is drinking water in a pub?" I hear a thick British accent and I look to my left where I find a tall and beautiful man. Green eyes, harsh features, an eyebrow scar and I even can spot a dimple in his cheek.

"I think I had enough alcohol." I smile as I grab my bottle. I open it and I take a big gulp.

"Drinking too much alcohol is dehydrates you..."

"I know. Are you a doctor?"

"Kind of." He smirks. "I'm Hero." He extends his hand to me and I smile, putting my hand in his.

"Josephine. Jo on short."

"Josephine... Nice name."

"Thank you." He looks at my hand and I see my engagement ring still there. Ops, I forgot to take it off.

"Engaged? Married?"

"Divorced. Actually, yesterday I signed the papers."

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that."

"No, don't be. It wasn't mean to be." I smile. "What about you?"

"In a relationship with my job."

"And if you don't mind, what are you working?"

"As I said, I'm a doctor. A psychologist, therapist. I'm specialized in PTSD, anxiety, depression and eating disorder. I'm working at a hospital, but I also work in a private practice."

"That's really nice."

"What about you?"

"I work as an accountant at the bank. It's not as fancy as your job, but I like it."

"Good. And what are you doing on a Friday, alone, in a pub?"

"I'm not alone. I think me and my friends are celebrating my divorce."

"Oh, interesting. I'm going out for a smoke. Join me?"


We walk outside and he lights a cigarette. Hero is nice. And I would like to see him again in the future. He seems to be interested in me. And nothing will happen if I talk with him, right?

"And what are your plans now?"

"I promised my ex-husband that I will find happiness."

"Are you still in touch?"

"Yes, we will be in touch forever. We were friends before everything and this divorce was something we both wanted, even if I didn't want it from the beginning. But I'm happy I did it."

"That's really good." We're interrupted by my phone. I think one of the girls is calling. So, I better pick up.

"Excuse me for a second." I say and I move away from him. I take out my phone and I see Liam's name on it. It's almost midnight. He never calls this late when Danny is with him. Shit. Something happened.


Jo decided it's time to have some time with her friends, so they are going out. After a long time, they finally met and they talk about the news in their lives. Jo's divorce, Riley's plans about IVF, a potential proposal for Jamie. News in their friendship and happiness between friends.

At some point, Jo meets someone at the bar. And they are starting to get along. Hero seems to be a nice man and he's interested in Jo.

But the night should end in a good way, but Jo gets a call and she's worried because Liam never called her so late. Something happened with Danny?

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