Beside The Dying Fire

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Y/N's POV:

It was around 3 A.M when I heard Patricia and Lori's voice wake me up. "Y/N, we have to go!" Lori said. She grabbed my hand and led me out with Beth and Patricia behind me, us holding hands so none of us turn into walker dinner, or breakfast. I then saw a walker grab Patricia and began biting her neck and shoulder. "NO! PATRICIA!" I said. Beth had to let go of Patricias hand before the walkers took her down and began eating her. My eyes began to wet while Me, Lori, and Beth went to a blue truck where T-Dog was driving. Me, Beth, and Lori went in the backseat. "Get Carol, she ran that way." Lori said to Andrea in the back of the truck. Andrea went to find Carol who was trying to take down a walker. Andrea shot that walker before I heard Carol scream "LOOK OUT!" Andrea turned around and it got her!

"They got her!' Lori yelled. "GO GO GO!" I yelled. T-Dog drived us off the farm and I looked back, sad. "We should go to the highway, where we left the supplies for Sophia." Lori said. "No. that's where the herd come from." T-Dog said back. "Then, I'm getting out." Lori tried to get out. "Woah woah, No! Ugh, fine we can go back" Lori shut the door and we turned around.  It took around fifteen minutes to get to the highway. We got out and saw Rick, Hershel, and Carl. I ran to hug Carl while he hugged back. 

We then saw Daryl, Maggie, Glenn come back. (tell me if I missed anybody). We all said hello before we noticed some of our group missing. "Where's Shane?' I said. "I uh.." Rick said. "He didn't make it." I looked down. He was very short-tempered but he wasn't a bad person, right?

"Jimmy?" Beth said. "He was in the R.V, it got overrun." Rick said looking down. Beth began to cry a bit. "Patricia?" Hershel said. "They got her too." Beth stated. I began to cry a bit.

Everyone dies though.

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