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In which, again, Halt is about as out of character as he is in character. Requested for Valentine's by a very sweet anon! I don't think this would classify as a Valentine's fic but hey, relationships need time to be build.


It had been a challenge to hide the flowers under his cloak without damaging them. But, Halt had decided, it was of the absolute, utmost importance, that no one saw the colourful leaves in his hands.

He hadn't been stationed at Redmont for long, but had already granted himself the reputation of being grim, strict, and forbidden. And nothing, not even the gracious Lady Pauline, was reason enough to break that image.

Flowers in one hand, Halt raised his other to knock on the door before him. But before his knuckles could come into contact with the thick wood, he hesitated. He hadn't thought this through. What if she wasn't home? What if she was busy? What if-


A voice like a sharp knife that could effortlessly slice through the hardest of materials. That was how Halt would describe Pauline's voice, though he realised it might not be the most eloquent of comparisons.

He turned around, forever thankful that he didn't blush easily and that if he did, there was a beard to hide it.

Pauline stood a few metres away from him. Her blonde hair was tied into a knot in her neck, not a single strand out of place. The deep-blue cape that was draped over the simple yet elegant white dress indicated that she had just returned from a trip outside the castle walls.

Internally, Halt kicked himself over not having heard her approach. In his defence, he hadn't yet figured out the sounds and noises of the castle. Plus, Pauline had the suspiciously Ranger-like ability to move without being heard - a skill undoubtedly learned by the hours spent undercover. Still, Halt was a little ashamed to admit that he had allowed himself to get distracted.

'What are you doing here? Do we have business I forgot about?'

Halt doubted that if they did have business to discuss, Pauline would forget it.

'No!' he said. 'I uh, Arald mentioned that the Diplomatic Service was slammed with work, so I figured you wouldn't be out much, so I thought... I picked flowers.'

'That's very kind of you,' Pauline said, ever so politely. 'Why don't you come in so we can put them in some water?'

Appreciatively, Halt took a few steps back so Pauline could unlock her door. As she turned the key in its lock, she said: 'I hope you'll forgive me, but I don't think I have much to offer. I honestly only come here to sleep.'

'Water's fine,' Halt assured her.

'Good... Feel free to make yourself comfortable... if there's any space.'

She hadn't been kidding. When the door opened, Halt was greeted by stacks and stacks of paper. They were everywhere. On the table, on the chairs, on the couch, on the kitchen counter, and even on the floor. Colourful papers indicated to Halt that there was a system to the chaos, even if they seemed random to him.

'So... Diplomatic Service truly is slammed, isn't it?'

Pauline nodded as she handed him a glass of water.

'We weren't hit as hard as the Ranger Corps, but even we couldn't escape the Morgarath-sympathisers.'

Halt raised an eyebrow.

'Surely not here at Redmont?'

Pauline shook her head.

'We came out relatively unscathed. Arald's been critical of whoever he hired from the start and my predecessor and I were no less easy on our own divisions. But with many regional and even the national Services weakened... much is falling onto our plate. In fact, I think I might even have to travel back up to Araluen soon. The King is hosting a banquet for foreign ambassadors and I don't think he has any suitable representatives of the Diplomatic Service available.'

'Maybe we could travel together,' Halt offered. 'Crowley asked me to come up as soon as I could. Apparently, this guy Thorgan is wreaking havoc, and I think Crowley wants my help getting him to stop.'

'Some company would be nice,' Pauline smiled.

They stood in silence. As Halt had already noted, they had no business to discuss. And it seemed like Pauline had other things on her mind. Halt was not oblivious to the way her eyes kept drifting

He drank the last of the water and put it in the sink.

'I should probably go,' he said. 'Patrolling, and all that.'

'Sounds like your evening's all booked.'

'Yes, well. Except for dinner. Do you have any plans?'

The gracious Courier nodded.

'Usually Chubb whips me something up. He knows my schedule. One of his apprentices will probably be at my office later tonight.'

'Right,' Halt said. He didn't know what he had hoped for.

'Well, good luck.'

'Thank you,' Pauline replied. But her voice was already distant and her eyes were drifting towards one of the stacks nearest by. Halt pulled the door close behind him. Something about what Pauline had said didn't sit right with him. He shook his head - he was probably just looking for excuses.

But when he walked to the stables to retrieve Abelard and heard the celebratory sounds from the soldiers' quarters, he remembered. Tonight, Arald was hosting a small feast for his men at arms, to thank them for their service in the battles of the past few months. Obviously, Master Chubb was the cook. There was no way he would have time to send one of his apprentices upstairs with some leftovers.

It must've slipped Pauline's mind. Halt thought about going back to tell her, but dismissed the idea. There were other ways for him to be helpful.

So instead, a few hours later, the Ranger slipped back into the castle, a covered bowl with a steaming stew in his hands.

Pauline's office was empty. She was probably at a colleague's office, undoubtedly discussing important matters. Halt debated going to her apartment a few floors up, but decided against it. The Diplomat had said Chubb usually had the food sent to her office. This is where she would expect it. So he carefully brushed some papers to the side and put the covered bowl on the table.

He didn't leave a note. Just a flower. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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