Uncle Will

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No matter how much she grows, Maddie's mentor will always be her 'Uncle Will'.


Takes place soon after the events of Duel at Araluen. I've had this idea for months and since no one else gave me this, I thought I was going to combust if I did not write it myself. Enjoy. For extra feelings, listen to Serenade by BANNERS.


She didn't remember when the tears had first started streaming down her face. But they were still falling.

Maddie crouched on the floor of her room in the cabin, hugging her knees. Usually, she could handle the memories quite alright. But sometimes--

Sometimes they were a little too much. A little too strong. A little too hard to ignore.

Will had taught her what to do when these moments came. He'd told her, explained it to her, but she couldn't remember. All she could remember was the flashing light reflecting on swords, the satisfied laughing of a man only a few years older than her, and the terror in her father's eyes as he watched his wife duel. She remembered the trembling of her grandpa's legs as he could barely keep himself standing, could barely keep himself watching his daughter fight for her life. And she remembered the pain of her cramped fingers clutching her bow, unable to use the weapon, and the pain in her throat as she screamed for her mom. She remembered the drop of the arm, the tiny yet distinctive movement, and how Dimon had leaped forward in response, his sword ready to--

Maddie shuddered and clasped her hand against mouth, not letting the cry escape. Still, she must've made a sound, because she could hear a chair in the main room moving, and soft footsteps making their way towards her. She waited. Didn't move. There was a knock on her door.


She didn't respond, hand still clasped against her mouth, breaths short and shallow, sobs stuck in her throat.

'Are you alright?'

Still no answer. The tears that were still flowing reached her hand and she wiped it on her trousers. It gave her some space to breathe, and she sniffed.

'Can I come in?'

Maddie shook her head. Will knocked again, harder now, and she realised that he couldn't see the movement.


'No,' she finally croaked. Not now.

Silence. Then-


Maddie could tell from the tone of Will's voice that he wasn't happy about this. She knew that he'd much rather comfort her, help her regain control of her breathing, and try to put a stop to the endless thoughts and memories that were raging inside her. He always did. But sometimes, she just needed some space. And he respected that.

So she just stayed there. Alone, on the ground, pressed against the wall.


Despite her light tread, the floor creaked softly under her feet. Maddie hadn't bothered to put on socks or boots, and the cold wood was a welcome change against the heat of her skin. Will had looked up when he'd heard her door open, but didn't say anything. Maddie made her way across the room and sat down opposite of him at the table.

'Do you want to talk about it?' Will asked.




Will opened his mouth to say something, but ended up deciding against it. He focused on the papers on the table again. If, when, Maddie would be ready, she'd let him know, he knew.

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