"Ugly body" MY ASS 😡🙄

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Also caution, body hate?? I don't know what to call it but I think you can infer what I mean 😭

Third person POV:

It was a Saturday night and it was autumn. It was quite cold but at least it wasn't winter, not yet.

The door at the Curtis home opened quietly and the sound of quiet footsteps could be heard. The 14 year old who was sitting on the couch swiftly turned his head in the direction of the door. His eyes widened and his smile faded.

There stood Johnny, he looked real roughed up. His facial expressions said it all. His eyes were watery and his bottom lip was quivering. His hands were slightly shaking too.

Ponyboy slowly got up and approached the older boy.

"Hey sweetie, um, wanna get cleaned up in the bathroom? I can treat your wounds and run you a bath or shower?"

"Oh, um, yes please."

"Okay follow me baby."

Both boys slowly made it to the bathroom where Ponyboy was getting the first aid kit. Johnny was just awkwardly standing at the door of the bathroom.

"H-Here sit down." Ponyboy stuttered out while pointing to the toilet lid.

Johnny obeyed and quickly sat down. He looked up at Pony with those irresistible puppy eyes, waiting for his boyfriend to treat his wounds.

"Where are you hurt baby?" The younger boy asked in a soothing tone.

"My back and belly."

"Can you take off your shirt darling?"

"B-But-" Johnny cut himself off and looked down at his lap.

Ponyboy gave him a suspicious but concerned look. What coukd he possibly be hiding?

"But what Johnny?"

Johnnys eyes got more watery and his voice was staring to crack but he somehow was still holding in his tears.

"M-My body is ugly and disgusting. Y-You wouldn't wanna see it..." He quietly confessed, avoiding eye contact.

The blonde boys heart dropped. He felt so bad and wanted to help Johnny. He has never seen Johnny without a shirt or jacket on but he knew Johnny was beautiful.

"No gorgeous, don't say that. You're beautiful."

"Okay... If you say so." He mumbled.

He hesitated for a second but slowly took his faded black shirt off. Johnny let out a long sigh and didn't  dare look down at his bare torso.

He was quite skinny but that was mainly because of his fast metabolism. He had scars and bruises on his hips and chest. Just scars and bruises littered everywhere. He also saw some scars that looked self inflicted but he didn't say anything about them, he didn't want Johnny to be even more upset. Not to mention the still partially wet blood on his back. Ponyboy knew Johnny had scars but he didn't think it was this bad.

"I-I'm sorry." The older boy whispered sadly.

"Why baby? Why are you sorry?"

"My body, I know it's... worn out." Johnny couldn't think of any other word except for "worn out" because that's what his body was to him. It was destroyed and an unpleasant sight.

"Don't say that! Your beautiful Johnny." Pony exclaimed only a little angry.


"Well, let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" He paused "it might hurt a bit but just hang on, okay?"

The 14 year old grabbed the wipes and turned Johnny around to clean the bruises and cuts on his back. He assumed it was from his father kicking or belting him in the back.

Next he grabbed the alcohol. He usually didn't use alcohol for wounds if they weren't very severe but he felt as Johnnys were an exception.

"It'll hurt okay darling?" The blonde boy reassured before applying the liquid.

He got a tissue and put the alcohol all over it. He then gently pressed it down on the wounds with his shaky hands.

"Oww Pony!"

"Shhh it's okay."

He continued until the wounds were thoroughly cleaned. Then bandaged them up securely. Pony gently kissed the older boys shoulder after.

"Do you wanna have a shower now? I need one anyway, plus it's nighttime." Ponyboy suggested happily.

"Like, together?"

"I mean, yeah. But if you aren't comfortable it's okay!" He reassured while putting his hands on Johnnys shoulders.

"Might as well."

'We've been dating for 5 months and this is the first time he has ever seen me without my shirt. Might as well get over it today...' Johnny thought to himself.

"Okay if you're sure. Well I'll go turn on the shower and you can get in whenever you feel like it." The younger boy said before turning away to turn on the shower.

Pony quickly stripped and got into the shower. Johnny slowly took his jeans and boxers off. He felt exposed and a little uncomfortable if he was being honest. But he wanted to do this. It was his choice.

Before he opened the curtain he pulled back his hand.

"Do you promise not to do anything...?" The older boy asked in a worried tone.

"Don't worry sweetheart I won't."


Johnny slowly opened the curtain and went in. His leg was slightly shaking in fear. He was starting to regret this now. What if pony was gonna do something or laugh at his body?

"C'mere baby. You look fine." Pony said soon after starting to rub the cloth on Johnnys chest, being careful of the scars.

"Okay, Thank you." He sighed in relief.

The warm water was nice against both of their skin since it was a bit chilly outside. It almost made them both a bit sleepy.

The water ran over the older boys hair and made it cover his eyes. His boyfriend reached out and pushed the hair back. Johnny laughed a little and smiled which made Ponyboy beyond happy.

While Johnny had his back turned Pony gently grabbed his wait and hugged him. At first the older boy flinched and looked back quickly but calmed down a bit when he noticed what was happening.

"You're so beautiful baby."

"Oh um, th-thanks." Johnny still wasn't used to being complimented so much. It really felt good.

They finished washing themselves and hopped out. The sudden wave of cold air made shivers go down their spines.

They quickly dried off and started to put on the clean clothes that Pony set out for them. Before Johnny put his shirt back on Pony stopped him.

"Wait what-"

Pony gently started kissing every healed scar on Johnnys chest. The older boy was so flustered, his face turned a dark pink tone.

"Mmm you didn't have to do that" Johnny mumbled out embarrassed and flustered.

"Mhm but I wanted to."

Johnny just smiled and hugged the younger boy.

"I love you Pony."

"I love you too darling."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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