Ponybitches friends are bitches and also bitchless 🙄

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I rlly need to work on my titles...💀

Also, didn't proof read so if there are any mistakes, sorry 😍

Third person POV:

Ponyboy was a nice, smart boy but he was caught in the wrong crowd. He was a greaser, just like many others at his school. He hung out with the 'popular' group among the greasers. Greasers weren't popular around the Socs but among the greaser population there were certain popular groups, one which Ponyboy was apart of. They jumped weaker kids that couldn't defend themselves, rob them for their money or just to take their anger out on. Ponyboy hated this, he didn't even know why he hung around them. He was just too scared to leave them, thinking that they would possibly bully him for it. He would mostly just stand and watch them beat the poor kid up. Sometimes they would peer pressure him to hit the kid too, he truly didn't want to but did it anyway.


One Wednesday afternoon after the last period, Ponyboy tiredly walked out of the class room and was heading the direction to home until a familiar voice yelled at him.

"Oi Pony! C'mon help us!" One of his friends demanded angrily.

Pony hesitated but ended up jogging to the destination. It was a wall behind a restaurant and smelt heavily of smoke. There he saw his three friends screaming at another greaser.

"C'mon what do you have?" Questioned one of them selfishly as he pushed the smaller boy onto the wall.

"I- I got nothin' man!" Assured the greaser. He had jet black greasy hair, greasier than any greasers hair Ponyboy had ever seen. Tanned skin that shimmered in the horrid heat of the sun. Chocolate brown puppy-like eyes that could get anyone mesmerised in a second. He was covered in scars and bruises, showing that he had already been messed up lately.

Pony knew the boy, well, not personally. He had just seen Johnny around the school a few times. He always thought he was pretty.

Ponyboy felt bad, he wanted to tell his friends to stop but couldn't get the courage to do so. He just watched from a distance.

"Is that so? You're a fucking goner!" Yelled the 'leader' of the group.

He swung a hook at the tanned boys face, earning a whimper from him. The cruel boy just laughed at the poor boy as he beat him up.

The smaller boy collapsed to the floor after one of them hit him with a kick right in the guts. It felt like someone had stabbed his guts it hurt so much. The pain was unbearable but he managed to pull through. Some of the blood dripping from his nose trickled into his mouth and made his head spin. The metallic taste was awful.

"Guys...I think he has had enough." Spoke up Pony. He couldn't believe he just watched this poor kid nearly get his lights get knocked out while he did nothing.

His friends glared at him with disgust. "Why should we do that Ponyboy? Y'know what, you hit him. You've done jack shit today so help us out now.

'No no no no FUCK' thought Ponyboy, what has he gotten himself into. Now he has to hit the kid.

"Nah, I'm alright." Ponyboy tried to reassure but his friends wouldn't give in. They kept making comments on how soft Ponyboy was getting and how he will never ever a real man. That was enough for Ponyboy to do it.

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