Controlly: (sigh) I'm sorry my baby.

*He hands him his game console. Next Wand makes them dig holes outside.*

MePhone4: What did you even do to get this chore?

Wand: I had a little incident with putting him on some kids' hair. Now quiet and do the work!

*Wand leaves to check on the others.*

4: Man this stinks! We could be playing 4 squares right now! Instead we're out here doing Wand's dirty work because he has our secrets! Now which one of you told him!?

Controlly: Woah woah woah! What Makes You Think We Did It!?

4: You Guys Are The Only Ones I Told My Secret Too!

Gamey: Well It Can't Be Us! We Never Talk To Wand! Besides, he has our secrets too! So that means someone outside the group told him.

Controlly: Who though!? We never told anyone else but to each other!

Gamey: MePhone what do you think?...... MePhone?

MePhone4: Oh sorry. I just got distracted.

Controlly: I get it man. You don't want anyone to know your secret.

MePhone4: No not that........ Well it's kind of that. Wand said someone has a crush on me. And it's starting to freak me out!

4: And you're more worried about that than having your secret exposed.

MePhone4: I mean I know me and Crayon Box had something going on when we first met in the woods. And PP, well we never interacted but she could be a possibility!

Controlly: Wait, you think one of the girls likes you?

MePhone4: Who else could it be!? I need to figure this out though.

*Now we go to Computer and Oodle.*

Computer: Oodle I can't do this anymore! I want this to stop!

Oodle: Well I don't want to do Wand's work either but he has our secrets.

Computer: Man! Forgot about that! Well I can't have MePhone know either! What if he rejects me! What if he makes fun of me! What if he calls me those nasty things like........ Like he did! I Don't Want Him To Find Out! I Don't I Don't I Don't!

Oodle: Snap Out Of It! Look, I'm sure MePhone won't be like........ Him. He won't hate you. 

Computer: You think so? You think he'll love me if I admit my love to him.

Oodle: Ummmmm. Yeah. He probably will like you!....... I hope.

*Later it's dinner time. The guys were in line all excited because.....*

MePhone4: Finally! Weeks of eating healthy junk we finally get something good!

Controlly: We Finally Get Pizza!!!

Gamey: Oooh look at that big slice in the first plate!

4: Oooh I'm first! And that pizza is all mine.

Wand: Hey 4. MePhone. Controlly. Seems like there's a long line. Mind if you let me, Chocolate Bar, and Gold Ingot cut in front of you?

4: What No Way!

MePhone4: Yeah we've waited here longer!

Controlly: Go to the back of the line!

Wand: Ok. Ok. I'll go do that. Maybe I can tell the kids in the back whose secrets belong to which camper..... Well bye.

4: OK Fine! You Can Cut!

Wand: Thanks 4.

Chocolate Bar: Appreciate it dude.

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