Basic Cut

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It was a nice and windy day. 4, MePhone, Controlly, and Gamey are on top of a big mountain. They have a cardboard box with them.

MePhone4: 4 are you sure this is a good idea?

4: Of course it is. We go inside this box and slide down the mountain.

Controlly: Yeah but the mountain looks very rocky.

Gamey: Looks like there's some parts where we slide off the mountain.

4: We will be fine. Now Come On!

*The 4 of them get inside the box.*

4: Alright everyone seated?

MePhone4: Yes!

Controlly: Yep!

Gamey: Checked and we are all seated.

4: Alright! Hold On Tight!

*They slid down slowly and soon they slid super fast.*

4: WooHoo!!!! This Is Awesome!!! Yeah!!

MePhone4: I Don't Like This!!!

Controlly: Somebody Help!!!

Gamey: We're Gonna Die!!!

4: This Is So Much Fun!! Oh oh.

MePhone4: Oh Oh!! What Do You Mean Oh Oh!!

Gamey: Big Rock!!!

*They see a big rock coming their way. They hit the rock and flew out of their box.*

4, MePhone4, Controlly, and Gamey: AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

*4 landed on the floor tumbling down the rest of the mountain. Meanwhile MePhone, Controlly, and Gamey landed on some poison ivy and tumbled down to land on some pokey sticks, some pointy rocks, and a couple of thorn bushes.*

Oodle: Hey Computer, have you seen 4 and their friends.

Computer: Oh yeah they said they were going on top of a pointy rock mountain to slide down there.

Oodle: What!?

4, MePhone4, Controlly, and Gamey: AAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Oof!!

Controlly: Ow My Whole Body!

Gamey: Worst Idea Ever!

Crayon Box: What happened to you guys!?

MePhone4: That mountain happened!

Controlly: I got so many thorns all over my body.

Gamey: I think I got some poison ivy in my pants

MePhone4: I think I lost a bunch of teeth. Is that normal?

Controlly: Only if it's your baby teeth.

Gamey: 4?

*4 gets up. They noticed that their knee was red. They looked and saw that blood was coming out of it.*

MePhone4: You ok?

*4 started to get scared. He started to tear up out of fear.*


*2 heard his cry and ran to see what was going on.*

2: What Happened!?

*They saw 4 crying and saw the scraped knee.*

2: Oh no.

*Soon 4 was taken to 2's cabin with the rest of the guys being in there too.*

2: Where did I put that first aid kit?

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