idk what to name this

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Dawn: sorry for not speaking earlier! Hello season 1! :)

Lindsay: Hi!!

Dawn: how are you?

Lindsay: I'm doing good! How are you?

Dawn: amazing! Thank you for asking!

Heather: ew

Cody: can y'all shut up, it's like 11 pm

Heather: no

Cody: I'm kinda worried, Noah isn't home yet and isn't answering his phone

Heather: sounds like my mom

Anne Maria: ^

Jo: sounds like my brother

Heather: you have a brother?!

Jo: yeah

Heather: damn must be heaven living with you

Cody: Can we get back to Noah?! I'm really worried about him

Heather: I'll help 🤗

Heather: @Noah

Dakota: guys he fell asleep in my living room dw

Heather: ???

Dakota: we were watching season 5 and he just fell asleep, I'll drive him to your house, what's your address?

Cody: *insert a random address*

Heather: I'm coming over 😋

Cody: no

Heather: yes

Cody: fine

Heather: YES

Heather: I'm in the car rn, be there soon

Cody: okay

Anne Maria: does anyone wanna do anything tomorrow? I don't have any plans and all my other friends have stuff going on

Brick: sure! What do you wanna do?

Heather: do that in DMS

Brick: okay

This was a chapter made because I was bored, I think tomorrow after school I'll make a crack chapter with more of the characters then just the people I've been using, add some zarold and maybe a noco reveal, anyway bye bye

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