Chapter 2-🐢

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there were so many writing errors in the last chapter and ill try to minimize that

There were whoops and hollers coming from the room over as both Mikeys were skating their hearts out.

Both Donnies were in the lab, Ralphs Donnie probably geeking over the more modern tech. Leon and Leo were meeting Splinter. Leo seemed disappointed and Leon seemed offended for his dad.

And as for the Raphael's? They... didnt do much.


Ralph stared at the very large version of himself. He looked really calm.

"so..." Ralph started to speak, his voice sounded smug and unamused, "what kind of villains do you fight?"

Raph looked down at Ralph and began to speak, "Well theres Hypno and his sidekick, i forget his name. Hypno, as his name states, hypnotizes victims. His sidekick is kind if irrelevant," Raph was unaware of the other 6 turtles entering the room, "Then theres Meatsweats-" He was instantly cut off by Angelo's voice.

"the most greatest chef evahh!!" his voice edged higher on the last word. Raph cleared his throat to regain the portal-turtles attention, specifically Ralph, and continued.

"He basically cannibalizes other yokai," Disgust was written all over Mikey and Donnies face, being returned with an unamused glance from Don and Leon, "The third on our list is Repo-Mantis. Hes just a really edgy mantis, just dont get on his bad side,"

Mikey whispered something to Angelo making him burst out laughing which made Mikey burst out laughing. Ralph shot Mikey an annoyed glare which got him to shut up almost immediately.

"Then is Big Mama, she runs a battle arena in which Yokai fight to the death. She was chill and now shes just holding a grudge" Leon smirked at that remark and nudged Leo, obviously confusing him.

"Second to last is the Foot Clan," Raph saw the familiar looks on the portal-turtles faces, "so you have them too?" The four nodded.

"except theyre these whacky robots who work for the shredder. Theyre like suuuper smart too" Mikey spoke out, and in return got confused and nervous looks on the other turtles, "whatd i say?"

"You guys have a shredder too?" Leon spoke with a hint of fear in his voice.

"more like cheese grater with anger issues," Mikey responded. Ralph smirked at the reply, and Leo looked utterly done with Mikey's snarky remarks.

"Sooo he isnt a giant entity that was summoned?" Don asked, genuinely interested in the portal-turtles Shredder.

"No? Hes a human who has a ton of mutant henchman. Theres Fishface, Tigerclaw, Rahzar, Bebop, Rocksteady, and Baxter Stock-" Leon cut Leo off smiling wildly. Don shook his head, awaiting his silly brother's statement.

"youre Baxter Stockboy works for the shredder?!" Leo nodded his head, "REALLY? ours is some little kid who is money hungry and hates our guts."

"Ours is a mad scientist that was turned into a mutant fly," Donnie responded.

In less than a second, Mikey was leaning on Leo's shoulder, "AANNNDD, theres Slash, that one monkey, the pigeon, Leatherhead, Bishop, Muck Man, those frogs, the creep, the tricera..." his voice trailed off, his face recoiling into a hint of sadness.

The four turtles exchanged glances as the portal-turtles sat in silence. Everyone was stolen out of their thoughts when an unfamiliar voice called out.

"What is going on here?" Splinter said. The stout rat stood, crossed arms and weight on one leg. Donnie recoiled in disgust, Raloh stared blankly, and Mikey yelped. Leo was not phased, as he had seen this Splinter before already.

"Oh hey pops! Portal-turtles, Splinter, Splinter, Portal-turtles," Don said gesturing in between the fat rat man and the other turtles.

"Thats not splinter, thats thorn..." Ralph whispered to Donnie, whose eyes only widened as he tried to not giggle.

Leo broke the awkward silence by clearing his throat, "these are my brothers, from the other universe- dimension? whatever,"

Splinter stroked his chin in thought and just waved while walking off. Mikey stood staring, mouth ajar. Angelo nudged him slightly.

Raph saw the looks on the portal-turtles faces. And he had no other idea than the one he just spar out.

"How about we go on patrol?"

Word count: 707

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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