Who's your roommate?

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Note: A really short one.

Few days ago

"Yeah, I'm excited to go back!" I heard N'Becky exclaimed. She's talking to P'Pop, my make-up artist, about our upcoming trip to the Philippines. "I want to try the food there again."

We are in a photoshoot and waiting for our next set-up. N'Becky and I are sitting beside each other. Her head is in my shoulders. My left hand rests comfortably in her right thigh, fighting the urge to caress too often. I am browsing through my phone with my other hand.

"Same! I was telling P'Freen that I'm so excited to maximize the room service and we can order midnight snack..." P'Pop said.

N'Becky straightened up. I frowned at the absence of her head in my shoulder. "Huh? What room service?"

"Freen and I will be roommates when we go to Philippines," P'Pop answered.

N'Becky glanced at me pouting, before looking at P'Pop again. "Nope, I'm gonna sleep with P'Freen."

I smiled. N'Becky seemed to be addicted to me the past few days. She always wants to be with me. And I'm not complaining. It always feels so good to be wanted. It feels way better to be wanted by my BB.

"But the room assignments have been assigned. I am sharing a room with P'Freen," P'Pop explained.

N'Becky crossed her arms. "But I want to sleep with P'Freen."

I leaned towards N'Becky and touched her nose. "Stop sulking. We'll still be together all the time anyways."

"If you say so. No more snuggles then," N'Becky replied, shrugging her shoulders. Then she stood and walked away.

Manila, Feb 11

It's a tiring trip and it's not helping that I have a low fever. We are in the hotel lobby and this time, it's me who's leaning on N'Becky's shoulder, as we wait for our hotel keys. She's caressing my hair and I smiled when I felt that she kissed me in the head.

One of the staff comes towards us. "Miss Freen? Here are your keys."

I straighten up as I reach for the key card. "Thank you."

The staff leaves to give keys to our other colleagues. I stand up and get my bags to get ready.

N'Becky holds my arm. "P'Freen, I still don't have my keys."

I give her a sweet smile then raises my key card. "These? Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you that we are rooming together now. I don't want to miss on the snuggles so I asked them to reshuffle room assignments."

N'Becky's frown slowly turns into a smile. Then into a grin. Her face turns slightly red and her eyes are sparkling. Then she starts squealing, "Ah, thank you, P'Freen!"

I honestly don't know what exactly we are right now. We're not lovers, but we're definitely not just friends or sisters. What I know is that I feel like I can cross the ocean or I can go and bring the moon... just to make her as happy as this.


When we arrived at our floor, we say P'Pop about to enter a room across ours.

"Who are you going to sleep with today, P'Pop?" N'Becky confidently asked.

"I'm sleeping with P'King," P'Pop answered, rolling his eyes jokingly.

N'Becky sticked her tongue out and proudly said, "I get to sleep with P'Freen."

I just laughed. N'Becky is really still a like baby sometimes. But she'll always my baby.

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